
That explains his ranting against the security agencies.

I’m convinced no one taught him how to shake hands. That he learned how to be a businessman from movies and in movies businessman have big, stupid, macho handshakes.

I have, on multiple occasions, thanked my parents for their sanity.

We’ve got a Pence problem either way. If Trump leaves we’ve got one less problem.

Well at least he doesn’t blame her directly. Progress! (That was dripping with sarcasm bty)

I was in Washington and all the kids there made me so happy.

Now I need to go vomit. Can I vomit up my brain? Is that a thing?

Listen trump people, YOUR GUY WON! Your not being discriminated against.

i need advice on how to talk to people. my cousin is a couple months older than me (mid 30s) but we’ve never been super close. friendly but not friends. i know she struggling with fertility and i’m trying to keep a respectful buffer zone. i dont have kids and have no interest but shes always wanted some. recently i

I don’t have a preference for Sherlock, but elementary has a far superior Watson. Joan 4 life.

Skittles have been my go to. Well skittles and pot brownies in full honesty. My poop is odd.

I’m going to gush. I love love love Sympathy for Lady Vengeance! So beautiful and moving. I sobed. I’m so looking forward to this to come out near me.

Yes, cause going to a church means that you would NEVER sexually assault anyone. Especially not if you’re a pastor/ youth pastor.

Love your list but Jason Mantzoukas is eye candy also. Or at least to me.

The amount of patience thease young people are able to show in the face of this ass holery is humbling.

As am I, I blame Fox news and a kind of group mentality.

this is making me super happy.

i suspect its like horoscopes. it matches because you find a way to make it match. that being said i got a white stallion and that totally works for my inner pre-teen horse girl.

It’s more of a squat.

I’ve never been able to sit and wipe. I didnt know you could until I saw a women doing it in a tv show and was shocked. I’m a girl.