I keep seeing that argument against leg washing. I only get super dry skin in winter and have recently found spray on moisturizer. It’s amazing!
I keep seeing that argument against leg washing. I only get super dry skin in winter and have recently found spray on moisturizer. It’s amazing!
It’s the daily shaving that blows my mind. How much hair can come out in 24 hours!? But I’m a none foot washer, so what do I know.
Me too! It’s really a safety issue.
But I don’t eat off my feet.
In my childhood home there were access spaces behind the walls to get to the wiring, plumbing that sort of thing. These were called crawl spaces. My question is why didn’t he clean up his crawl space before photos were taken
Stared because I saw high tension at the height of my horror movie phase and it scared the pants off me. But the ending was a copout.
As someone who will be, one day, a lovely old white woman from New England, I will offer to fight anyone who critiques her casting choice. This kid seems like a good egg.
This was such a shame because the judges are so kind and forgiving if the flavor is good but the bake didn’t come together. Nadia (who was my absolute favorite of this season) had that problem in a challenge but got by.
me in skinny jeans. not a good look.
I have literally laughed out loud at that. You sir are a genius and missed your calling in comedy.
I wasn’t too interested until this. Burned out on big super stuff movies. But I loved hunt for the wilder people and what we do in the darkness. Now I’m so excited!
That is indescribable. I’m sputtering with rage and hurt for that young woman.
maybe this a stupid question (legal ignorance) but wouldn’t filming and distributing this also qualify as some sort of child pornography?
My mother’s saying was look with your eyes and not with your hands. I feel uncomfortable with my hands out of my pockets in museums.
I’m going to be the naysayer. The look on his face is the look I get when someone says something incomprehensibly stupid. Like voting for a woman for president is tearing down the options for a man to be president. That look
My Facebook feed has one rabid Bernie fan and one rabid trump fan. I’d block them both but I find the dichotomy/ similarities soothing somehow.
In my toy days we had a couple of she-ra action figures, a single he-man, and some friend of hers. Along with the “invisible” horse. We had plenty of barbies and stuffed animals but action figures were still a thing we played with.
aww yeah.
It’s all those things with a solid does of silent hill.
OMG yes too all of what you say. Esp the cop thin. ::Swoon::