Lindsay Graham

she was home schooled by her mother Lucifer

You are doing the Lord's work.

That is not ironic.

That’s all fair and valid, except we’re not talking about a corporation. We’re talking about a public university that takes in sweet, sweet taxpayer dollars and in return is supposed to practice this crazy concept called transparency. And that’s before we throw in all the usual NCAA/college president jargon about

Not to defend the practice of Nike essentially commandeering the brands of professional and amateur sports organizations on every level (which is annoying at best and nefariously corrupt at worst), but on a basic level of corporate branding and design, the idea of keeping things under wraps until it’s finished is

as a former pittsburgher and current lover of funny things, thank you

Stealing jokes is some bullshit, like shoplifting from Macy’s, but stealing a bad joke is something else entirely, like shoplifting from Ray Ray’s Discount Clothes Bucket.

sorry don’t get the reference

I kinda find this disturbing....maybe it’s because of recent school shootings...

The problem with the Quicksilver death is... why didn’t he just, you know, move Hawkeye and the kid. It felt forced because of how avoidable it was.

You mean the same Quicksilver who swore to kill the Avengers because of Tony Stark, then forgot completely about his vengeance once Ultron revealed he was going to destroy the world? When characters are written so poorly, it’s impossible to care about them.

“Eat on Monday what everyone forgot they put in the fridge on Friday.”

Being able to copy/paste a title of a logical fallacy from Wikipedia is only considered a good argument on reddit, I'm sorry to tell you.

"Cruel world! Why will no one judge me strictly on MY WORDS?" he lamented, tears smearing his blatantly racist face paint.

Indian Fan Dude: The one constant through all the years has been baseball. America has rolled by like an army of steamrollers. It's been erased like a blackboard, rebuilt, and erased again. But baseball has marked the time.This field, this game, is a part of our past. It reminds us of all that once was good, and that

Yes. I think it's like the Gregorian Calendar, in that eventually we'll all agree to use it.

Since Rockets players represent the majority of the defense, I'm guessing James Harden wasn't involved in the incident.

It's Colbert that doesn't realize how he's using racism as a vehicle to end racism, which is really just circular logic and doesn't lead to an end destination of liberation, so I think if you are going to do it, you can't draw parallels.

I'm changing my screen name to Whiteness at Large.