Lindsay Graham

Nope, should have said, "If this were the NBA..."

Which of her rights was violated? She voluntarily injected herself into the situation by approaching the officers.

Now playing

I know it's Sunday, so there's no one here. And I'm stuck in the grey anyway, so no one's going to see this. But if I turn JUST ONE PERSON on to The Specials by posting this, I'll have done good work.

"Hey Jim remember that bizzare group sex and human sacrifice cult?"

Huh. Well, I guess I understand Yeezus now.

When I read this article (people seem to be missing the last paragraph) this was the first thing that came to mind was Deadspin's (100% justifiable) destruction of the Bleacher Report and their method of article/headline creation to optimize how their articles pop up in search engines and draw the most clicks

It's because he hasn't posted a gif for 5 mins...