Go Where You Don’t Belong is also the title of Kevin Smith’s personal Kama Sutra.
Go Where You Don’t Belong is also the title of Kevin Smith’s personal Kama Sutra.
2005 wants its hot take back.
Who could believe that “Lindsay Graham” and “Flawed_Logic” would have trouble finding people to agree with them?
look into the taint area of ur heart...and u will discover the most magical playground
When the Pirates win, their fans “raise the jolly roger” black pirate flag. The dad had such a flag with him and the camera seemed to want to catch him waving it. I don’t believe it was orchestrated at all.
Always happiness truthers.
No snark here. That was super cute in every way. Especially the dad being just as geeked as they are.
Aye to that. Whatever though, kind of makes me glad my parents never dug too deep into my personal affairs.
Oh Michelle, you’re going straight to hell.
Thanks for this. I already dropped coke, and soft drinks in general, but i’m going to do the same and inform them that I won’t be purchasing any of their products any longer. Can’t hurt to make it known, right?
People talk shit on Pete but he is one of the more interesting characters, If he were as handsome as Don everyone would fucking love him, in fact he is essentially the same character. Don is every bit of the social climber/schemer Pete is.
Once again proving that college students have WAY too much time on their hands.
The last somewhat watchable movie Crowe has done was Almost Famous (which is still extremely over-hyped). That was what, 15 years ago? And that was based on something he knew something about. This movie looked like it was made for either CBS’ old folks tv hour, or the Hallmark channel’s bad movie cavalcade. In other…
It’s precious in a way that’s very similar from movie to movie.
While not originally a comic, Ex Machina isn’t much a diversion from the genre.
Is that really what you find Anderson gets criticized for? Cuz I always thought it was because how god damned precious everything is.
A thought I had while reading this: “Allison Ng? Oh god, please tell me they aren’t pretending Emma Stone is anything less than 100 percent white.”
C- after that review?? Sounds closer to F minus.
This seems to me as dumb as someone from Texas being upset if a movie was called “Howdy.”