Lindsay Graham

hahaha, nice one! I hate Lindsay Graham in real life, gah!, and now he’s running for president. This is going to be a laugh a minute campaign season.

Walter Benjamin: (reads Under Armor’s trademarked slogan, “Art for Art’s sake)
Walter Benjamin: *vomits in shoe*

Ugh, that’s disapointing.

Thanks, Captain Sadpants.

I like the part where he explains the reason behind these investigations by the US is because the US is retaliating towards FIFA for being skipped over for the World Cup bid in lieu of a very small, very poor, Muslim country. Whatever these investigations/prosecutions find, it seems to me FIFA is just going to dismiss

No. It’s called having a different view.

Interesting. Tell us more.

I mean, if your standards are low. Try the original Solaris for an epic high-sci fi film.

I hear ya, and all I’m saying is just as it’s the son or daughter’s right to choose at that age, so to is it the parent’s right to choose what they do with their money. From their perspective, it’s “unfair” that their son maybe putting video games in front of his studies, studies they are paying for. It’s certainly a

You mean, “Helicopter parents suck, except when they pay thousands of dollars for my education.”

He did make a decision for himself. He just didn’t pick the side you want him to have picked. Parents don’t have to give kids thousands of dollars for college. Mine certainly didn’t

“The Dad should have just given his son the finger and not signed on to any more of the son’s loans or given him any more money.”

I think both of our solutions, worked together, is the best possible answer. People act like parents HAVE to give thousands of dollars to their kids for college. Mine certainly didn’t.

Thank God someone else agrees with me.

Jeez, people and their toys...

Everyone’s entitled to their own opinions, man. I mean, isn’t it a little hypocritical for a guy to post his opinion and then for you to post that may may?

your so cool. i wanna b u.

Ok, that’s what I figured. I thought it was a more abstract metaphor for something else, like a specific trope in anime. Thanks!

This guy is awesome! Anime sucks so bad! I got a new hero now.

“I’m ready for something new that isn’t set in a High School, full of panty shots/fan service, ends before the next decade, insults my own culture less, less constant battles or over the top constant emotions. A part of me still likes Anime but I am no longer willing to give everything a shot because much of it is the

What is this idea “crazy Japan” you speak of?