les bonnes femmes


OMG I am so sorry that is awful!!!! My dad broke a restraining order and threatened my mom and soon to be step dad and broke stuff in the house. It wasn’t until year later when I remembered he used to keep a .44 in his car I realized how bad that could have been.

I’m so glad to hear your mom is okay, and I agree with you. If that psycho had a gun, it could be so much worse. Sometimes I think Canada is the only bastion of sanity in North America....

Horrifying. I hope she’s ok. Hugs to you and your mom.

That’s so unbelievably sick. A violent person with a specific target is exactly who SHOULDN’T get out on bail.

It’s bullshit that he’s out and she has TO LEAVE HER FUCKING COUNTRY just to feel safe. So sorry this happened to her.

How awful. I share your relief the asshole didn’t have a gun. Christ.

Oh gosh, I just want to give you and your mom the biggest hugs. I’m glad she is ok, and hope that she is receiving the support necessary for this trauma.

WTF. I can’t believe (well, I can, unfortunately) that asshat was granted bail after attacking someone he thinks “ruined his life” just by breaking up with him! That’s terrible your mom had to leave the country just to feel safe, but I’m glad she did.

I am SO sorry that happened to your mom! But I’m glad she’s alive. And you’re 100% right. If he had been able to buy a gun in 7 minutes flat she would have almost certainly been dead. But we don’t need gun control down here... no no, don’t be silly. Everything’s fine here -_-

If he’s not in custody yet I hope your mom goes to live somewhere else for a while. She shouldn’t have to, but at this point do whatever you have to to keep her safe.

Jesus. I’m so sorry. I’m also glad she lives in CN...

Oh my god, I’m so sorry your mother went through that! I am so glad she’s OK now.

Hi I’m Rohan the co-founder of and we’re creating an inclusive space for everyone. Would love to have you!

Once again, Margaret Atwood says it best:

Obviously this isn't getting through but I'll say it. If a woman rejects you, you don't get to stab her, throw acid in her face, stalk her, terrorize her, or rape her. No is a hard word to understand, apparently.

Okay trademark “nice guys,” want to explain yet again how rejection is so much worse than MURDER? Fuck.

Rot in jail, you fucking useless filth.

The try guys aren’t about gay panic, they are about painting gay panic as completely ridiculous. They are about showing people that, just because you are easily freaked out about such a simple thing, that doesn’t mean there is anything actually wrong with it. The try guys almost always realize that there isn’t

because he’s an asshole he pretty likely hit her? that’s hilarious. thanks for reminding me why Im a criminal defense attorney.