les bonnes femmes

Honestly she looks better with her fake ass lips and anyone can fight me on that

A police spokesman told the Dallas Morning News that they didn’t believe Ahmed was building the clock out of pure curiosity. “We have no information that he claimed it was a bomb,” he said. “He kept maintaining it was a clock, but there was no broader explanation.”

I just. . . I just have a hard time believing that Jay-Z actually cares that much about Taylor Swift, and by extension, whether or not Kanye West and she are friends.

my only burning concern is why CNN is giving this sentient UTI a platform to speak

It’s amazing what some kids can sleep through.

I felt like I was being overly sensitive. But seriously. I just keep picturing someone who cared about her reading this article. Sad.

I had to read this twice, because this story is so horrifying and handled with an amazing lack of sensitivity.

I don’t know what’s sadder