les bonnes femmes

Thank you so much. I haven’t been able to see her because I live far away but thankfully I leave tomorrow to meet her where she is. I will certainly be giving her the biggest hug the moment I see her.

She left the country, thank god (again with the god I don’t believe in), but holy shit I am livid about how much her life has to change because he was released. What an awful, awful person. I have some incredibly dark thoughts lately and my therapist advised I get off social media but I can’t help it...

Thank you. She has been in and out of hospitals but she has no major damage, no broken bones. She somehow managed to fight him off as long as possible and held back the hammer and screamed until the basement tenant heard her and called the cops.

Nearly two weeks ago, my mother’s ex boyfriend broke his restraining order, broke into my childhood home with a hammer, and attacked my mother. He told her he was going to rape and kill her because “she ruined his life” when she broke up with him.

I am not a religious person but I thank fucking god every day we don’t

I have the same question. I don’t want to give racists my money... airbnb needs to filter those fuckers out.

And Kim isn’t white... just sayin’

It’s a real feat to be such a festering garbage person at such a young age. Congrats you fucking worthless loser, hope you never see the light of day. Also, it’s a common trait that young men who behave in this manner have poor examples to look up to - where his parents at?

jeez, I COULDN’T STOP LAUGHING AT THE TITLE. now that vine is killing me, KILLING ME. (thanks for this)

UGH this pisses me off so much. These jerks should be forced to purchase an extra seat next to them so they don’t have to inconvenience everyone else. It’s bullshit, male ego crap masquerading as religious freedom.

Like everything Judd touches these days, this looks like garbage. If anyone needs me I’ll be rewatching Undeclared and pretending nothing’s happened in his career since then...


Congratulations, you’re a piece of shit. Please don’t ever procreate, I mean, just because you have the money to do so doesn’t necessarily mean your child will be better for it.

DAMN IT. This is totally me right now. I have a fivehead and it’s fall. Is it not the season for bangs? I feel like I could rock them even with my ridiculous wavy hair. HELP!

BREAKING NEWS: Massive American bigot meets with Head of Bigotry. No surprises here.

Don’t come here. Instead, make the US more like Canada.

All white people look the same. Proof.

Serious question, guys...


Yeah, that’s where I’m at too. She looks good. Whatever.