les bonnes femmes

The USA is so ass-backwards, wow.

It is Texas, after all.

This is so upsetting. A 14 year old with an interest in science should be fostered and cared for so he can do all the great things he’s destined to do - not stereotyped and made to feel worthless. Everyone at the school should be ashamed of themselves. As teachers, they did NOT do their fucking jobs.

Well... we don’t know the extent to which she helped raise her nephew and niece. We don’t know the closeness of the relationship she had with actors she mentored. We also don’t know if these people she considers to have helped raise have a biological mom in their lives, any parental figures to look up to, etc. I don’t

Every time I see his stupid face, with those gross wormy lips, like, shit man, I just want to fucking punch him. The urge to hit his face is so strong for me. It’s probably best I just stay in Canada...

Can someone who is part of the LGBTQIA+ sphere who identifies as a Republican PLEASE explain to me why that’s a thing. I don’t think I’ll get an answer on Jez but I’m seriously interested.

“Also, hey Miley, Nicki made it about her because she was talking about her personal experiences with what she felt was discrimination, ya dipshit.”

Byeeee Emile Hirsch(‘s career)! You were never very memorable anyway.

White person defending cops? Check. Blissfully unaware of systematic racism? Check. Culturally appropriative t-shirt? Check.

Watch out Kara! Next thing you know, he’ll be tweeting that you don’t even write your own articles.

Aside from the fact that big-game hunting is pointlessly cruel and stupid, I sincerely don’t get it.

Annnnd watch how quickly mainstream media ‘okays’ his continually erratic and abusive behaviour because hey, at least he’s white!

I was sitting on a flight going from Laguardia to Orlando. It’s not a terribly long flight, but long enough that a person who hates flying (like myself) would be uncomfortable. A mom and her two young sons sat across the aisle from me, the mom by the window the two boys in the middle seat and aisle seat (roughly aged

Great joke. May you never have to read an article about someone you cared about and the gross jokes made in the comments section.

Finally. A voice I can agree with. This article was so insensitive and gross. Not even a suicide hotline number to help readers who might have similar thoughts. Do you job next time, Jia.


Way to reduce suicide to a drunken afterthought. She most likely had this in mind for awhile.

All of the jokes in the comments are terrible! This is an incredibly sad event and I don’t see the humor in it.

your facial expression is PERFECT. PERFECT!

How do you know who’s straight or questioning? Who are you to tell ‘straight’ women not to express their feelings or crushes on someone? I call bullshit. Stop policing people’s sexuality.