
When I transferred to a new school for the winter semester, I got thrown into a room with a girl who seemed harmless. She had had a brain tumor when she was like six and everyone treated her extra special so I figured she was just a sweetheart with a sad childhood. She ended up being awkwardly boy-crazy for a

lol they named it Kush though lol

guess they didn't get that good-good after all

The casual and unremarkable use of the sentence "Reddit user Coppin-it-washin-it's parents used to go to Red Lobster every year on their anniversary" is my new favorite thing about 2014.

I don't know why this hurts my feelings so much. Dammit, Zac.

Had you taken any time to read or comprehend my original post, you'd know I have not yet pursued any modification to my butt. Thanks.


I've already responded to someone else saying it wasn't caulking. To assume every illegal injection is done with the same materials is ridiculous. Every person does something different. None of it is guaranteed safe, but none of it is guaranteed caulk, either. No need to swear at me. Keep it movin'.

As far as we know, it wasn't caulk. They use all manner of things. That doesn't make it safer, BUT it is fair to assume that at least some of these people can actually have access to actual injectibles.

Cho'zyn Boy

I know people that these ass injections have worked far. I know people whose injections have migrated into their thighs and created nasty bumps over the course of ten years of slowly sliding down into their legs. The ones that look good (again, for now) are enticing, yeah, but I've read enough of these horror

You're not actually willing to listen or go very far beyond your comfort zone to obtain real answers, or you would have already watched the video above, which does a better job than I could of explaining why and how black people cannot be racist. To be racist, you need to have the power to oppress.

I'm a 22-year-old white woman. I don't have anything to offer to a debate on racism because I don't understand racism because I've never experienced racism. There is nothing else to say but "no." No sums it up. No.


Being Michelle Obama looks like a full-time job.

oh my GOD

Now let me tell something to you. I think that in interviews and in her daily life, Nicki Minaj has some pretty good ideas (see also: Pickle Juice Rant). I've seen interviews with Iggy and from what I can tell, there isn't much going on upstairs.

It isn't quite the same, but three months before graduating high school, I made the completely spontaneous decision to go to NYC for college. Seriously, this is the kind of dream you're supposed to harbor and work toward for years but one day I woke up and decided to tell everyone I knew to go to hell and apply to


Ok, did you ever hear someone —probably someone annoying— say that we're all dying from the moment we are born?

My boyfriend and I have been breaking up since the moment we got together two and a half years ago. All we do is fight and he lies and he lies and he lies to me always, getting dinner with exes who are his

I...well...thanks. :3 Do you maybe want to be friends? It's cool if you say no. I get it. But if you do... *scuffs shoe shier than you*