
This is not the face of serenity and joy I would have if a green mummy was standing behind me. This lady is a pro.

That's ok! No one has ever apologized to me on the Internet before. I'm not sure what to do. I think you're on to something here.

But really, it's fine. I was also being sassy towards you. I was just being silly with my Taco John's memories. Sometimes I like to overhype things just for fun. I am happy we can be friends

I don't know what's more sad... that you take comments on the Internet so seriously or that I'm even responding to this.

I've read a lot of really terrible shit today but this is the terriblest shit.

Living without Taco John's has been the hardest thing I've done for the past three years. Taco John's was my religion in high school. I used to be really fat and I would eat there at lunch and after school, downing potato olés like it was my

Okay, this one is kind of funny.

There are few trends I hate more than the wide-eyed, hand-to-mouth, over-the-top "surprised" face. I am gagging.

There was a time in my life I would have just chalked this one up to a puck slut doin' puck slut things, but see, I eventually grew the fuck up and gained empathy for others and learned to think for myself and see how wrong that is. These douches and their lawyers —and, if I know small towns like I think I do, some


That last line wins all of blogging for the week.

Honest to God, if those are real, word-for-word texts she sent him, my rage is going to leak out of my head in visible steam coming out of my ears. FUCK THIS GUY.

A few of my family members back home are legitimately dismayed over the Velveeta thing. Like they're really pissed.

Haha, understood!

Who is Andy? Why are the two messages so inconsistently formatted? It's obvious the owner's son is some dumb kid just messing around, but you'd think they'd want to apologize. Or they'd care. Or not let the kid goof off on the company Facebook. I AM SO CONFUSED. Does SIP actually want to go out of business?

He doesn't look traumatized. He looks THRILLED.

Oh, Christ. Imagine some people intentionally mistreat their dogs to increase their chances of winning the $1500? Oh... I can't even think about this.


When I was on the Depo shot, I would just bleed nonstop, no warning. (You can tell I feel like this is a safe space, I guess, because I'm just a-tellin' this.) It was the worst bleeding of my life and kept up for six months until I just got a copper IUD. It was darker and thicker than my regular period, too. Once, I

We had just had the day in fifth grade where girls went in one room and learned about ~periods~ and boys went in the other to learn about ~boners~ and then we all came together to discover ~pubes~ so when I woke up on a Saturday with blood literally all over my bed and clothes, I told myself right away it wasn't that.

(North is cuter than Blue.)

I was 10 and instead of faking mine, I tried to hide it out of fear I would be in trouble. Being a paranoid fifth-grader with limited resources and no concept of how these things worked, that went as well as you'd expect. I would definitely go back in time and trade with this girl.