About a year ago, I heard a rumor that this is why Hobby Lobby doesn't use barcodes, too. So these loons are clearly in great company.
About a year ago, I heard a rumor that this is why Hobby Lobby doesn't use barcodes, too. So these loons are clearly in great company.
I am actually so on board with this.
All day, sassypantses on the Internet have been telling me that this has nothing to do with misogyny, nothing to do with a patriarchal society, nothing to do with anything but mental illness and not getting enough love as a child. I'm just...gonna leave this...here...
This is not quite what the question was, but I was the ninth pregnancy my parents had. Six miscarriages, a terminated ectopic pregnancy (that is never, even spoken of because we are also Catholic), and a live birth that died 66 minutes later, and my parents still did not give up. This is inspiring and awesome and it…
I clicked the LA Times article and read some more of her quotes. This woman is a badass. I love her. She did a direct phone interview with the times and explicitly asked for her name to be used. Go read that last line of hers. What an awesome lady. I need her to keep fighting, her spirit is the only thing that is…
Oh, I get it now. I'm no sociologist or anything, but I'd be willing to bet that kids who pull pranks like this grow into adults who accuse women of having their "panties in a twist" on the Internet. Niiiiice.
Trust me, you're not offending me, and if I wanted to be patronizing, it could have been much, much worse, my dear.
Go away. The idea that I care about "weakening" my argument in a comment under a post (that details exactly why the kids who made these flyers are wrong) is really a stretch.
This isn't even the first time you've written something nasty to me. You are truly just a miserable person. How gross.
Oh, I'm definitely not dismissing it! I can see how it's possible that they knew the addresses, but under no circumstances does that make it okay to use that information for something as disgusting and invasive as this prank. It's almost like with small towns comes great responsibility; simply having information that…
I'm not "awash in victimhood," but that was a really cool generalization and assumption coming from someone who thinks that only the other commenters on the site are responsible for making those!
I can't speak for ANYBODY, that was the point of my post. I don't know if a single one of them found it offensive or…
That's irrelevant; they were still harmed. There are consequences.
That's actually a good point. I graduated with 267 kids and by the time I was in eighth grade, I knew where the great majority lived. This prank was definitely the work of a few kids, too, so between them, I bet they could figure out just about every address.
The kid or kids behind this ruined their own futures, if it comes to that. Federal offenses and jokes on every female in the school aren't really "harmless," unless you think you can speak for half the graduating class.
"Health Code 69" leads me to believe it is unquestionably a 17-year-old boy, not a deranged teacher/parent.
THIS IS BEYONCÉ and wow I just learned that my MacBook will even put accents on capital letters. Awesome.
This is not Beyonce.
Crazy David... El Cholo...