My understanding is that casting notices for film/tv specify race (among other characteristics) for parts very often. Maybe this is a case where stage performance is different, but let's not pretend like this is new.
My understanding is that casting notices for film/tv specify race (among other characteristics) for parts very often. Maybe this is a case where stage performance is different, but let's not pretend like this is new.
I could have gone my entire life without the mental image that accompanies the words “Say hello to Uncle Elton”.
I like this meme. I wish it were more specific, though, in pointing out that the number of trans people accused of assaulting people (at least in this country, as far as I’m aware) is 0. Just so the message is clearly “you have the wrong people” and not “trans people are monsters, but senators are even worse!”
Which commentor do you think is actually John Travolta?
I have a harder time explaining Michael Jordan’s moves as owner Charlotte to my 7 year old than I do explaining homosexuality. He understands that it’s okay that a guy can be in love with a guy, he has no idea why Jordan chose Marvin Williams over Chris Paul and neither do I for that matter.
Passing this bill under the guise of “protecting women” is bullshit. This is clearly an anti-trans bill and only makes their lives harder and does nothing to “protect” anyone. The only thing that’s happening in the bathroom is people USING THE BATHROOM.
Great article as always.
Nixon can eat a dick, Theon Greyjoy-style. God, he was literally the worst.
welp this is what happens when we collectively obsess over the sexuality of barely-pubescent girls. Fuck this guy in particular, but fuck the culture that encourages his fucked-uped-ness.
Having suffered years of sexual abuse from my own father and being too afraid to tell anyone, the fact that this young woman had the strength to tell a trusted adult speaks VOLUMES about her. I wish I could hug her and tell her how brave she is.
My head is saying Bevis Mugabi but my heart says Taco Pope.
Costco hotdog
I’m married and there are a few women in my life who I find attractive and charming, and when they interact positively with me (laughing at a joke, having a meaningful chat, etc.) I tend to feel pretty good about it, and I’d consider that the kind of crush that the writer is talking about. None of those women will…
the cost of living has risen since then, and it’s safe to conclude that salaries have risen along with it.
But whole milk is gross. Actually, drinking any milk past baby stage is gross. The only decent things dairy does are cheese and ice cream; milk alone is vile.
South Park had an entire episode about how Trump sucks. This is a strange article.
I am not super religious, but how do we go about getting one of those global flood do overs?