I used to intern for Betsey Johnson while in college and would often be sent to her archive to search through racks and racks of clothes for specific things. It was fucking great...except for all dust.
I used to intern for Betsey Johnson while in college and would often be sent to her archive to search through racks and racks of clothes for specific things. It was fucking great...except for all dust.
You know that asshole regular in your local bar? The one that goes on about the blacks, the Mexicans, how you just can’t say shit any more, who had a shitty divorce and his bitch of an ex-wife is living it up on his dime? That guy is POTUS.
Unbelievable. Not the tweet itself but the fact that remarkably this tweet surpassed even the lowest expectations that I have for this agitating skid mark.
This man is the President of America.
I’m sorry, I know you all know and lament that fact, that is just the only thing I can think of to say whenever he does shit like this (i.e. all the time). This man is the President of America! This man is the President of America!? This man is the President of America??
This is our punishment for enjoying a classy, sane president for eight years
I kinda think the UN has invited him to speak not because they wanted to hear what he wanted to say because they all wanted to have a laugh at his expense. Donald Trump is more and more the David Brent/Michael Scott of World Leaders
I just hope he goes off script and gets taken away in a straightjacket. It would be fitting end to this episode.
I think that I will feel shame for being an American until the day that I die over this Presidency. I voted blue in a purple state, so I did my part to try to avert the crisis, but I still feel ill every time that I think of him in the White House. I really did think that the W presidency was the worst that I would…
Be advised I just reported Trump’s twitter threat against Secretary Clinton to the Washington DC office of the FBI at 202 324-3000. Call now. He is an antisocial mentally ill sociopath.
Trump’s entire political career is predicated entirely on Obama/Hilary hatred, period. He has nothing else, no strong agenda to enact, not even a basic understanding of the role of President. This is what he does, stir the sexism and racism. Over and over. This is all he has. He is such a fucking embarrassment! Fuck…
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Her estimation that half of his supporters were deplorable was pretty damn kind, and she knew it.
And you just know if there was a reverse version of that gif, and any civilian posted it on Twitter, this fat subhuman sack of shit would have the Secret Service on them in seconds.
His supporters find that clusterfuck funny
It’s easy to see why he was a failure as a businessman. The US economy isn’t getting stronger, it’s about to collapse due to his many many mistakes.
This asshole is a thug and a bully who has learned to throw his morbidly high weight around all of his life because it’s worked for him.
He’s a petty, little man. I’m very uncomfortable he would share that image.
Because he is a garbage person who thinks garbage things and has the sensitivity level of a toddler with a diarrhea-filled diaper.
Working a full time job to afford a sorority is messed up. I worked while in college but that was to pay for living expenses such as food.