And much of Capitol Hill. Once again the GOP leadership disappear from view and refuse to condemn utterly unacceptable behaviour by Trump. There’s been nothing as spineless as Ryan since life first crawled out of the oceans.
And much of Capitol Hill. Once again the GOP leadership disappear from view and refuse to condemn utterly unacceptable behaviour by Trump. There’s been nothing as spineless as Ryan since life first crawled out of the oceans.
Impeachment and getting a jail outfit that matches his skin tone are good enough. This piece of shit doesn’t deserve a state funeral with all the pomp and circumstance, he deserve a stint in Fort Leavenworth.
Why can’t Drumft be the one dies ffs?!!!!! If nature is able to conjure up hurricanes why can’t it conjure up a heart attack custom-made for Cheeto despot?! Or better yet a situation where he chokes on a Cheeto alone mid-late nite tweet and dies with one final cofefeeeeeeee (if only poetic justice could happen so…
Every week has felt like the bottom. He just keeps finding ways to be even worse and more sickening.
Have we finally hit bottom? It feels like there is no way farther to go. I don’t want to be a drama queen but this is just pure evil in the flesh
Lin Manuel Miranda has been patiently positive during the past nine months of Trump’s administration—most of his tweets on politics are usually light on criticism and heavy on encouraging engagement and angel-bettering. While I’ve been in a constant state of burn-it-all-to-the-ground, I’ve admired Miranda’s ability to…
Yeah, nothing about Trump’s own actions surprise me anymore, he’s shown himself too many times for any of us to be surprised by it (appalled, sure, just not surprised). But I remain absolutely fucking baffled at how millions of Americans have accepted this and continue to accept this.
donald trump makes the world a worse place.
Children are a far worse strain on the environment than dogs are... if you’re going to characterize them as a selfish extravagance that hurts the planet, maybe put it in perspective with the impact that creating more humans has.
Thats ok, I’ll take my dog over the majority of other humans.
This is pseudo-science, nothing more. Dogs are carnivores! They are not Omnivores! Any non-meat in their diet in the wild comes from consuming the contents of their preys stomachs. You are being irresponsible with this article. No, your dog doesn’t need a steak everyday. one day a week your dog should fast. But you…
yeah this is not journalism, short of any evidence or even actual victims, this is a hit job by innuendo.
Old Gawker hated Reddit to the point of teaming up with an escort to extort a Conde Nast exec. New Gawker Gizmodo Media Group hates C.K. to the point of literally fabricating story after story even after they’ve been proven to be wrong each time.
I feel uncomfortable with this being an open post to just have everyone speculate ad nauseum. If Jezebel want to get the word out that they’re seriously investigating, by all means give out the information for any reliable source to contact you directly. But making this a post is just straight up innuendo. Like if…
Oh it is so worse than that. Kirkman clarified that she was not alleging Louis CK masturbated in front of her almost immediately after Jezebel’s first go round. She’s said that clearly and consistently. She’s called out Jezebel by name for misreporting and misrepresenting her. Yet as evidenced above, Jezebel continues…
Not true, at least for me. I’d be uncomfortable condemning anyone if the only evidence of wrongdoing was second and third-hand rumors, and if the supposed sources of those accusations started directly refuting them.
Really? You’re asking for inflammatory anonymous internet comments now?
People are saying things about Louis CK, so it’s true. Same people who told me about the 3 million illegal voters and Obama’s birth certificate. I’m not saying it. People are saying it, though.
“We don’t know whether these rumors are true.”.....remember the last time you went down this path?
Glad to see you guys are already back to dabbling in defamation.
Wow, doubling down on this crap even after Kirkman’s statements. Gawker never really died did it? The stink just settled elsewhere.