
Okay I’ll bite, even though I shouldn’t.

“I acknowledge that students have been hurt by this decision and I regret that,” Chelsen said.

It is absolutely not celebrating the crime of Jack the Ripper but looking at why and how the women got in that situation in the first place.

“Whether Sandra Bland committed suicide or not, we can indict a system. We must hold nuanced discussions that address the implications of state violence while removing the stigma around mental health and suicide, recognizing that state-sanctioned violence can produce suicide as a response. Black people, especially

My Grandmother used to tell me about how my (jerk of a ) grandfather (who she divorced a long time ago) used to go to this bar that kept a jar of really hot, non-pickled peppers on the counter, basically for people to dare one another to eat. He would go and sit there and pay the owner and eat the whole thing... not

Once at a 9 hour flight from Paris to Tokyo I had offered the guy sitting next to me a Finnish candy, Sisu (kinda like salty liquorice but not, but also not liquorice with menthol but kinda like?) He then showed me something, roughly the size of a breath mint. So I took it and put it in my mouth, because hey, they ate

Taman Shud/The Somerton Man.

I’m so glad she survived. But....

I take it you are a fan of the digests.... :)

Ok. This is a story is about two people who obviously loved each other very, very much.

Ugh, I have an old person ordering the wrong thing in Baker’s Square story. We took my 82 year old great-grandmother Christmas shopping, then stopped there for lunch. When she was looking for chicken tenders on the menu, she noticed something she had never seen or heard of before: chicken stir fry. She asked my mom

my former employers (who were admittedly not good people in a way that involved me giving a deposition to the FBI and IRS years later) once left 2 cents taped to their business card as a tip. and this might have been the only time i’d ever agree with that. it was at a movie theatre/restaurant across the street from

My first restaurant job was at a Red Robin back in 1997. This was when Red Robin was still kind of fun. Now it’s a clown factory. But anyway. I waited on an elderly couple who did the following:

I’ve actually got a nice old people story to add this week!

Imhofe: “This was a bad decision!”

Dear Sen. Inhofe,

Why does everyone complain that deli sandwiches are not made the way they are in NYC, then stare expectantly as if I can do something about that? NYC is hundred of miles away from where I am serving you. Do you think I have Carmen Sandiego stuffed up my ass, and can instantly whip her out and transport us to the Land

Honestly these people all need to eat at home if they are so particular about things. They all need to stay in their troll caves and remove themselves from polite society. Too many people believe the customer is always right. You’re not. Really it’s just carte blanche for people to act like childish assholes.


I never get tired of this show. Ever. It’s clever and funny and weird and happy and I love it.