
Annnnd here is the contact information for the hon. Judge Gary J. Gilman, if you would care to voice your displeasure at his less than judicious ruling to allow a violent criminal who posed an active danger to another person free:

So in the end, the bad person with a gun was stopped by a good person with a gun...who is a trained law-enforcement professional whose actions are subject to scrutiny as standard procedure as opposed to some doofus with 400 bucks and tickets to a gun show.

This is jerk Jason, the character that Batman editors angled into the most asshole Robin ever once they heard how much readers hated him.

Fairly certain her name is not “Jox”.

I applaud this incredibly strong woman, for sharing her story, but also for humanizing the face of what abortion means for most women. There is a need for abortions, period. This woman had to undergo huge hurdles to obtain one, because someone else felt icky with the idea of abortion. This woman’s life was literally

Thank you so much for sharing your story with us.

This is a perfect example of what xojane does. Honestly, I do think there is room for discussion and personal essays about how reactions to death - reactions that are both common but yet very stigmatized - can be very different and it’s good to share them so others know, etc. For instance, I remember when my

Have they wasted taxpayer money on “investigating” Fox News’ curatorial habits?

This is all very stupid

National Domestic Violence Hotline 1 800 799 7233

By all means, please accept mentally unstable men and women with criminal histories into the military and then train them to kill. That’s a super great idea that has no chance of backfiring.


I hope that someday, before I die, presidential debates in this country are something I look forward to with interest and enthusiasm, instead of avoid with disgust and revulsion.

We already got the perfect Batman/Superman movie.

How many times do people need to be told that the inherent implication behind black lives matter IS all lives matter?!?!

People truly do not comprehend how poor much of the rural South is. You’ll be driving along, pass a stand of rusted-out trailers, think, “Surely nobody lives in that,” and then you’ll get far enough to see the clothesline, or someone will open the front door.

The dead end was frustrating, because, as a fat feminist, I was hungry to find out who the original poster could be so I could then eat them.

She does.

Jesus, lady. Just talk to your kid. “Sweetie, I know you’re away from home for the first time and figuring out how to live life on your own, but it worries me when we don’t get to talk to you for a while. Can we promise to call at least once a week to check in and see how things are going? I love you, and know that

I mean, I talk to my mom almost every other day, but I would get annoyed too if my mom was texting me all the time, especially if it was just a bunch of emojis. What the hell?