
My guess is that she's never going to apologize about this "spoiler", and re-raising the issue on a post about something infinitely more seriously isn't going to change that.

There was a point a couple seasons back where they first get the Men of Letters bunker, where every other episode was picking up an ally, or a friendly monster, or someone interesting that needed a home and had interesting abilities or powers. And I kept thinking; "Holy crap, they're building a Supernatural Justice

yes please. I am ready for a new hunter team. I love the world of supernatual but Sam and Dean's story should have ended long ago. They keep doing the same thing over and over. One bro has something wrong but instead of fessing up and dealing with it together as brothers, they decide to lie. Once other does find out

Because the employees are poor, minimally educated, and terrified they will lose their jobs if they complain?

Fuck this. You want to help? Go volunteer or give money to a crisis center. Talk to your children about boundaries and healthy relationships. I've seen the real faces of abuse, and they never had to paint it on.

FCKH8 is a shitty company, donate money directly to places that provide support to victims of domestic violence.

My favorite Italian waiter story was at a traditional Roman style place in Trastevere. Really good, really legit old school Roman food, so very, very heavy. We had walked across the whole damn city so we over-0rdered with suppli (fried risotto) to start and heavy, pork-laden pasta as the first courses for each of us.

When my two daughters were in elementary school, I took them to the local fast-food place to buy them an Arctic Rush. (It's like a Slurpee) My younger daughter ordered a blue raspberry Arctic Rush, and my older daughter ordered an orange one.

When men wear those oversized tank tops where the arm hole goes super low and shows their sides. Especially the homemade from giant t-shirt kind. Pasty side ribcage is not for me.

Reaching for the positive in this story: ROCK ON, OKLAHOMA KNITTING FEMINISTS.

I know, right? It just reminds me of the horrible double standard we have to live with, where men's penises are just tossed around 'willy-nilly' like so much biohazardous waste, yet women who report being the victim of rape have every possible criminal lead doggedly pursued for 7 years, with Sheriffs hunting

That was a completely different country with a completely different context, but sure!

Eww. Just eww. As a JHS teacher, allow me to be very clear: if a student shows any kind of inappropriate interest (and sometimes they do), YOU BE THE ADULT. You tell them it is not appropriate. You arrange for the two of you to never be alone in the same space. You let your department head/supervisor/administrators

He said an in interview that Catholic church leaders and lay people, as well as those outside the church, are reacting strongly to the Vatican meeting because they aren't accustomed to addressing issues the way Francis advocates.

What is sarcasm? How does it work?

This comment reeks of, "STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT YOUR PROBLEMS! THERE ARE STARVING CHILDREN IN AFRICA!" This is not the pain olympics. Street harassment and the treatment of rape in India are both issues that deserve discussion and prevention methods.

I put on my "don't rape me face" today and had ten men tell me to smile.

She was treated as newsworthy because she's a relatively young woman who bravely came forward and presented her very personal story in an emotional and articulate matter. It's not as though there are hundreds of people committing medically assisted suicide clamoring to tell their stories, only to be ignored by the

I think Cracked put it well: "Police are warning parents that criminals are planning to hand out pot-laced candy on Halloween, because if there's one thing people love to do with their pot, it's give it away for free in a manner that will immediately attract law enforcement to their homes."