
In one corner of the internet, a woman is making a PSA about being harassed on the street and followed by a creepy man to draw attention to the real problem of street harassment and objectification of women. In another, much more pathetic corner, a dudebro is complaining that he can't interrupt his female colleagues.

Hot Tips For Dealing with Paranoid B-Words At Work

Waaaahhh, any time a show includes people who aren't exactly like me, it needs to serve a political purpose or it's unnecessary and gratuitous. Why can't TV have nothing but straight white Christian men in it like the real world does? Waaaaahhhh.

i WAS the goth kids most of my teen and young adult years and really appreciated a server who didn't make a big deal out of it.

Because judges always, especially if the opposing party has no issue, grant leaves and extensions. Always. If asking for a leave was a huge thing that no one ever did, I might have a bit less sympathy here, but it's not. Extensions are granted as a matter of course, and the fact that this judge didn't is wrong (if not

This language, "tricked" into an involuntary hold, is bothersome. One does not consent to an involuntary hold, that's what makes it involuntary. There's no pleasant happy way for this to happen. It sounds like the way it happened for Amanda was probably preferable to the way it happens for a lot of people (police

I wish I was still a registered voter in WI; Scott Walker raises me to Red Lantern Mera levels of rage.

Crikey. That was both hilarious and painful to watch. As entertaining as this lady is, I imagine there must be plenty of animals rights activists out there who hate this shit. Animal rights activists all get lumped in the same category. People like this bag of crazy give a bad name to those reasonable people

Or if they're asking the same question thousands of others have asked before and they could easily look up the answer to themselves if they really were actually interested in learning something.

I would look for one, but I don't even know which issue the original obnoxious white guy appeared in because I am a fake geek girl.

I love Moreno! New regular character please! Also Finch pretending to be a badass vet was kind of cute while it lasted.

He is the #1 reason I watch The Good Wife. Just CHARMING. Also, I have major eyelash envy.

"Why don't women just tell us when they're not interested????" -Reddit

This is a pet peeve of mine too. Let's ignore the awesome no-meat options in every cuisine around the globe and instead try to vaguely approximate the few things vegans don't want to eat anyway.

Meh, maybe a little jelly, but not off. I am not against cosmetic work, if I ever have the time and money, there are a few procedures I would consider having done. She made herself look like an entirely different person and it is strange. Her body, her money, her choices. Saying that she made herself look like

It's extraordinarily skilled work and does look surprisingly natural relative to the amount of stuff she had done, but I'm going to take issue with one part of this post—and I say this as someone who had cosmetic surgery, for no reason other than 100% vanity—she did not have her nose and chin CORRECTED. There was not

That may well be, but gay panic? How about "this dude, whose sexuality is completely irrelevant, had a history of making me fear for my safety." The issue here is not that there weren't mitigating factors potentially, the issue here is that homophobia was presented as one of them, and it's not. Even if the harassment

I once translated between an American, a Sth African and a New Zealander, and at the end of the conversation one of them asked how I'd learned so many languages, and it was only then I realised they didn't know they were all speaking English.


I agree with you, but maybe for a different reason. I worked in a prison for almost two years on a "transparency and accountability" project. Basically, whenever something happened in the prison (from missing spoons to murder) my team would have to interview everyone involved.