
I'm more worried about Greg Land illustrating the series than the one-off Milo Manara variant cover. Greg Land, aside from tracing his work from every magazine and comic book that he sees, can only "draw" people with an o face, also possibly traced from porn.

When I was working retail, a customer once used the phrase "Not trying to Jew you down or anything." I just gaped at her. I'm not even Jewish but I lied and said I was to shame her. Seriously, who says that kind of shit in public anymore?!

I guess I don't see how it's a good thing that Rhianna lost a gig because of the NFL's failures. Seems worse to me that she was let go IMO like, let's not remind people that there are real life victims. And also that she's defined by a crime that was committed against her.

And the research keeps going back and forth on gluten and wheat allergies. There are dozens of conflicting studies, and telling people that "bread doesn't actually make you throw up, so just suck it up Faker" doesn't fucking help. I did enough years as a server to know that a server's time is valuable, and it's a lot

Yeah. You've got those in the commentariat who get really antsy whenever you mention the problems the groups of people have in a society. Repeat after me, folks: An individual or group having a worse situation than you does not invalidate your struggles or accomplishments.

I took "physical consent" to mean, for example, the person in question is responding or initiating things physically, showing that they are into it. Even without words, it's not hard to tell the difference between someone lying there hoping this will all stop and someone actively unbuttoning pants, kissing, etc.

I once had someone order the soup du jour. When I brought it, she said (in the bitchiest tone ever), "Excuse me, I've had soup du jour and this is NOT it!"

I'm not sure that anyone can answer better than Kat did. That you can totally have a right to your views and you own spaces, just don't be surprised when plenty of women don't want to join into those spaces because they exclude trans women.

I wouldn't compare MRAs to the KKK. While it's not apples to oranges in comparison, it's certainly apples to crabapples or pears or something. Even the MRA types can come around; it's true.

As a women of color currently serving her term as an enlisted member of the United States military, I thought I might comment. They shaved my head in boot camp because I refused to have my hair cornrowed, just as I refuse to chemically relax my hair. Not to put too fine a point on it, I did this voluntarily, and I

When my mom worked for B&N she had a coworker, Nan? who'd had some kind of legit mental issues earlier in life that resulted in her carrying around a puppet companion that she treated like a person. She was a ventriloquist, so the puppet did talk "independently" and he would interact with coworkers and customers

This is actually a story about a fellow server, a very young, vivacious, kind, and quirky girl whom everyone loved working with, with but nonetheless had a pronounced ditzy streak.


People need to figure out all the things that religious freedom isn't:

OK, this is something I almost never discuss BUT...

I was in the middle of nowhere, Costa Rica. Like I had to take a really long bus ride to get to the tiny town I was at. I'm eating in this restaurant and these two giant, walmart style american ladies come piling in and start yelling at the waiter that there weren't quesadillas on the menu. Where the hell did they

It's really hard to judge whether someone is acting against medical advice with good reason without having access to their personal medical records, which obviously we're not entitled to here. But after having a shocking number of friends post on Facebook that they're not vaccinating their children because they've

how about button down shirts that are sized according to bra size and waist size? For example instead of my usual large size shirt, it would be 36D / 30.

Boys need to stop hurting girls. It's normal to not want to believe people you interact with every day and consider your friends want to hurt and humiliate you.

PSA: Please do not engage with w33zy-b4by