
I disagree that predators will always be predators. I think moves like this ban are an attempt to hide the real problem and to not do the tough work of changing college culture. We know that frat culture encourages sexual assault. We know that pervasive misogyny encourages sexual assault. We also know that sexual

Yes, it's banned on most. The #1 party school (or maybe #2 now), the University of Iowa, has a total ban on all alcohol regardless of age. You can see how well that works out.

I would disagree with your use of "normally" here. Alcohol does not make people do things that they are not naturally inclined to do. It may make it easier for people to do things that they would normally stop themselves from doing, but the impulse already exists. In most rape cases involving alcohol, the perpetrator

Actually, Butterburgers have (or at least originally had) a pat of butter in them.

Yes! The worst part is that our cafeteria works like Subway, so you can literally pick EXACTLY what you want in your pasta! I wasn't forcing him to eat green olives.

I don't think so. I sort of vaguely know the guy because he works in the building that the cafeteria is housed in, and though this was the first direct interaction I had with him, I know he must work in some sort of office job capacity (not that intellectually disabled people don't have office jobs, but the sort of

Double post because wtf kinja.

Assholes are assholes and will always find a way to be so, I guess. I once had a guy tell me to pick the green olives out of his pasta (our olives are a sliced mix of green and black—not something you can really sift through) and threaten to have me fired when I pointed out that it was the lunch rush, there were 30

I feel bad for the next customer actually, because I literally stood there and stared at the stacks of cups for a good two minutes while my mind did a hard reboot.

Oh god, I swear I had Coffee Latte's husband the other day. Never in my life have I felt the stupidity ratio in a room rise so rapidly as when this guy opened his mouth.

My guess is that it's intended as a preemptive measure to protect against the possibility of conversion therapy being banned for minors, as it has been in other states, as Oklahoma doesn't have any sort of provisions against it right now. It could also be intended to make it easier to put your kid into conversion

Clearly, this woman has never heard of Greece or Rome. Or Christianity, apparently (for its first few centuries, the Church performed same-sex marriages, although there's some debate about what the actual intention with these marriages was).

This seems to be a trend with sandwich shop type places. Everyone I know who's worked at one of these sorts of restaurants has absolutely hated it, no matter what chain.

Autism Speaks supports eradicating or "curing" autism, which many people with autism find offensive since it gets close to saying "autistic people shouldn't exist." They've also produced numerous PR materials that treat autistic people like burdens and promote the idea that autistic people can't have productive, happy

Eh, you had to wade through three different discussions to find that out.

Well, it seems the seating is for a disability, which is also totally kosher (though more polite if you tell the hostess right off). But yeah, in re-reading them I think people are reacting to the attitude rather than the literal contents.

I think the problem with the original commenter is that he/she has a bit of a whiny attitude (servers not liking special requests is not about them not liking him/her as a person) and refuses to understand that all special requests take extra work no matter how small it may seem to a customer (they also began by

In my experience, pastas are usually all cooked together which cuts down on problems, but that might not be the case everywhere. I don't personally think it would be too hard to accommodate (assuming that there isn't just 1 angel hair dish and 1 penne dish, because that means that the kitchen didn't prep a whole lot

That would be fine for me as long as the restaurant isn't too busy and they don't take forever. The only exception is if they order something that strikes me as odd, in which case I would double check with you to make sure its okay (like once when I had a 10-year-old-ish kid order just pasta noodles. No sauce, no

Seeing as how you are apparently a reader of this site, shouldn't you be jumping for joy right now? This article was exactly what you hoped for!