Major Bloodnok

There is solid evidence that people who vote conservative/Republican tend to have a stronger fear response, and tend to make decisions based on that response. It’s crazy to see this guy state it so boldly, though, since Republicans generally loathe being seen as weak or afraid of anything. I’m with you, that anyone

Instead, he will have to scrape by on health insurance coverage that his own party is trying to decimate.”

I don’t know that anyone will see this comment (yay hierarchical kinja), but I was struck by his comment about “paralyzing fear” of being attacked. Maybe just a lame excuse for him, but I think that anyone who can’t rationally process the fears of the world is not rational enough to make decisions for the rest of us,

I tried to type a thoughtful comment but I think it’s best just to state the obvious. Higher tuition exacerbates social inequality. Many people (but not all) cannot escape the cycle of poverty without a college degree in this economy. My heart breaks for these kids. It seems that America is no longer interested in

So “we don’t want immigrants because they’re lazy moochers who won’t better themselves” but also “we’re going to make it really, REALLY hard for all of the ones trying to better themselves”? Cool.

The irony is that this car has more “off road” time than 99 percent of every SUV sold in the US will ever see.

Their version of fruitcake and my 70's Midwest experience are two totally different things. I learned this when my husband and I got married in a small fishing village in Scotland. We wanted their traditional wedding cake and when we were told it was fruitcake I wanted to vomit. However it was actually pretty damn

demonstrating appropriate “moral character.”

I can see why they see him as a religious person. I mean, every time I see him on TV, I go, “Oh, god...”

Trump has been terrible for decades. Maybe it’s because I grew up in NYC but this is why I’m still confused why the rest of the country couldn’t figure it out before the election.

That still looks like the proof of life image a kidnapper sends to the family.

I am fully prepared for Romney to be another Kelly who everyone thought was decent and rational and he’s just like all of them. At this point I trust nobody who still calls him/herself a republican.

But wait a minute. I thought not standing at a sporting event was disrespecting the troops or something .

Apparently, Pence only stood for the United States? Talk about missing the entire fucking point of the what the Olympics claims to be about!

The corruption of our youth by Canadians will not stop unless we halt this ice-dancing filth in its track. What’s next? They pause in the middle of their seductive dance to hand out leaflets on the need for a universal health-care system?

Oh man, I don’t know. I’m such a cheapskate. It would be great if you could watch one episode and decide from there.

Markle’s “seed” will “taint our royal family,” and that “[t]his is Britain, not Africa.”

If I thought for even a second that she didn’t relish the lies, I’d feel slightly sorry for her. But I don’t. She comes from a family of sanctimonious liars and there’s literally zero evidence that any of this is even slightly disturbing to her. Like her father, she appears to relish the Big Lie just as much as the

Fuck ESPN, ditch ‘em!! Live stream media package for America because what better place to test that technology than with US? Huh…?!

I certainly can not explain the fascination. All the ones I’ve met have been hired as ‘consultants’ for companies that probably just need a more humane HR and pay raises for their frontline employees. They charged exorbitant rates for their ‘services’ and then left fucking dittos on improving employee productivity by