Major Bloodnok

By tradition, it would have to be a piece of the original cake, something to do with proving the marriage would last.

I take it they will also be abandoning the tradition of saving a piece of wedding cake to eat on the first anniversary. Because however nice an elderflower cake sounds, that sucker ain’t gonna be good in a year, whereas the fruit cake would just be peaking then.

Lord Palmerston of Londinium

Hmmm, I see Amazon has it for $6.99 a season, worth the investment do you think?

She is wonderful, “Luck get it....sounds a bit like f......” And her Spanish Intifada......

Could you aquire a fake ‘life partner’ and request the same discount as if you were married. If they refused you could escalate to a supervisor and claim discrimination. A perusal of the obituary columns in the local paper could supply all the details you would need for the fake life partner.

I would like to recommend a series currently on the BBC, ‘Mirriams Big American Adventure’ with the one and only Mirriam Margoyles. She travels through the heartland of America, talking to people, trying to understand how ChitoMussolini came to rule over us. She talks to prisoners in a female prison, and Chicago

“Thatled Mesnard, accompanied by law enforcement, to go to Shooter’s office and remove a handgun along with a second object, described as a display gun”

I am afraid I have to disagree with you. So many people I talk to, still believe “Crooked Hillary”, partly I suspect to justify voting for such an incompetent nincompoop as 45, and so many will use “Crooked Hillary” to justify being afraid of a female being in charge, that I don’t think she can achieve a win, no

Maybe they live next door to a republican, and have been asked to cover it up, in case it stirrs urges in the father.

You are not alone. This is not normal. Hang in there.

Bit of a rabbit trail, can you please explain the fascination behind Six Sigma, it always appeared to be ‘chucklehound’ zone to me, but I know someone who is about to ink a $250,000 contract for it......what is so special about it?

I left a church we had been a part of for 18 years because they had a Trump rally. I was chair of the school board, Athletic Director, Cross Country coach. Walked away from it all. Wife stayed, we are still married, it’s been difficult.

I was wondering if anyone had any useful links to countering apologists & Republican supporters who want to blame both sides / normalize violence against protesters. I ask this because this came up in a discussion earlier today during a break at work. A co-worker took control of the conversation and basically said

Pie, cake or death? errr pie please..

May I present another option, creative inertia. You accept the order or assignment, and give every indication of preparing to carry it out but fail to do so. This will lead to a number of options for the person who ordered you to do something unethical. They could discipline you for it, thereby drawing attention to

Where did you get Penny and do you know much about her history? I only ask because it sounds like the sort of fears an abused dog may suffer from. And don’t get worried about the word ‘abused’, a runt of the litter can be abused by it’s litter mates and have fears similar to one that was physically abused by a human.

My eldest son spent a year planning a post-graduation trip there with his girlfriend, they spent Friday in London, visited Tower Bridge, luckily went to Paris today. I had thought when they were planning it, how nice he didn’t have to worry about IRA bombing campaigns like when me & the Mrs. were dating when she

an unspecified water feature will replace “the General Lee.”

oooh mustache ride!