Then wouldn’t he have to change his last name? Anthony Drooper? Anthony Limper, Anthony Softie
Then wouldn’t he have to change his last name? Anthony Drooper? Anthony Limper, Anthony Softie
“Poirot crossed the lawn, with his rapid mincing steps, his feet painfully enclosed within his patent leather shoes.” David Suchet achived this by using a trick taught to him by Laurence Olivier, holding a coin between his clenched buttocks while walking. I can’t wait to see Kenneth doing that...
The original bank robbers car
Our 32 weeker is graduating college in a couple of weeks, pre-eclampsia and HELLP syndrome, hang in there!
Laminate it, you are going to get a lot of use out of it over the next few years. Mine was inspired by one that popped up on my FB feed, but after a few weeks I had to cover it with stick-backed plastic since some fo the letters were coming off, I felt like I was kicking it back to Blue Peter times..
Oh cop’s get big Brownie Points for coitus interruptus, double if one of those stopped is a cop as well. I remember a Sgt going AWOL during a nightshift with a younger female officer, were eventually found out back of an orchard in flagrante delicto, and definitely out of unform while on duty.
From my own experience, it is not unusual for predominantly white congregation Baptist churches to have member-only ‘security’ force, your basic armed congregant, who conduct patrols, maybe have cute badges. And there is nothing worse than giving someone a badge without training and oversight, then add a handgun into…
Amazon has it for $12.99 on kindle, and I would say probably worth it, I was just reading a preview of his other book on American leaders’ scandals, and all I can say is that in comparison, from the little I read, the founding fathers were a boring lot, something 45 seems to be effortlessly making up for.
Ah thank you for the correction, I am at work and away from my refernece material :-
Wasn’t it Nero who was amused by having his courtiers swim between his legs and tickle his nether regions? I see two bobbing orange orbs.....come on Bannon!
Smoke and mirrors, I suspect this is more of Bannon’s machinations, he will appear to be forced out, but will simplly move to the back of the room and work his controls remotely.
So.... NRA Museum. Interesting, I wonder if it comes equipped like my local ‘1st Amemdment Adult Book Store’ with ‘privacy booths’ where, you know, you can be alone with say, your classic M1911 .45, just you, some gun oil and a nice smooth action......
Just incredible. When I went through Police Academy in the UK, part of the Domestic Incident training we were given quoted a statistic which influenced how I dealt with every different situation. Researchers had determined that on average a victim experiences 37 seperate instances of Domostic Assault before calling…
I believe the correct term is REMF, Rear Echelon Mother F#@&ers
Eureka..I have it! AMC is showing the Gene Wilder version of Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. You might remember the explanation for why the factory had been closed to the public. When Willie Wonka started it, he had regular people working there, but workers kept stealing all his secrets (sound familiar?). So…
I grew up in a town that was particually enamoured of roundabouts, or traffic circles (Bognor Regis if you are interested) which included such things as mini-roundabouts and double mini-roundabouts, and you get used to everyone being competent at navigiating them. Then I worked in Augusta, Maine, which for the longest…
Just checking, Natalie Portman in V for Vendetta after she gets her hair clipped to the scalp by V or before?
Excellent point
I just wish the sentencing would receive the same coverage the original coverage did, which might go some way to making other people realize that this sort of driving behavior cannot be tolerated.
Republic of Ireland