The only problem is it is during regular work hours, and it has been cold enough to freeze the you-know-whats off a brass monkey, which keeps the attendence down some.
The only problem is it is during regular work hours, and it has been cold enough to freeze the you-know-whats off a brass monkey, which keeps the attendence down some.
Have you seen the 2012 version with Stephan Mangan and Darren Boyd? I really enjoyed that one, couldn’t get into the new one.
Most of the organizing is online, of course, try to see if someone is organizing locally, we do a Dump Trump Tuesdays outside of our local Republican congresswoman’s office
My wife made a fantastic cheese bread last night, using a bit of the powder sachet from a box of mac n chesse, which really enhanced the flavor
Thin pancakes made from crushed cheeto flour and served with sour cream, butter, caviar, and other garnishes. Yup we’re having Cheetolinis.
I recall similar things said about Dame Margaret Thatcher when she was Prime Minister of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, to the effect that the country was being goverened by a Cabinet of old women (they were all men) who were ruled by someone with real balls (it’s better if you drawl out the ‘real balls’ bit and…
i did this today! The chap I spoke to at my local conressmans office admitted they had been hearing a lot of comments on Jay Clayton today, which was what the message was! It works! Well, it made me feel useful, so it worked in that way... whether it actually changed how my Independent member of Congress votes, who…
When I and my sister grew up, my father was able to downsize from a Lada family saloon to a Yugo, I think he enjoyed it. When the brakes failed, he drove it to the garage using engine braking only, when the gear linkage failed to drove it to the garage in second only. He was a chain-smoker, had to flip the car on it’s…
I did this in a car with an exteriour frame mounted with omni-directional wheels at each corner on hyfraulic pistons. The instructor could raise and lower all four, or just one or two, to pretty much simulate anything that could happen. Then just for added fun, the skid pan we were in had sprinklers to soak the…
try V for Vendetta, 1984 (RIP John Hurt) et al
To quote a dystopian author, Chitollini is doing his best to turn this country into the Ulcerated Sphincter of Arserica
If they do, CheetoMussolini will be tweeting on it at 6am, and it will be an edict by Monday.
There is a well know Russian phrase, “hit me, but not in the face” which I have come across on occasion, that I thought was from the Soviet era and prior, but i guess now it never went out of fashion.....
I just want you to know your podcasts have motivated me to dust off one of the kids old shuffles they threw out years ago, and learn enough about iTunes (oh i despise Apple, not intuitive) to download your podcasts for my commute to work, great stuff, glad you managed to Piled Higher and Deeper, I only got as far as…
Hold on, before we get too judgmental, i think that room has not always been the press room, at one point it was a pool, and perhaps also a bowling lane. Just because it has been a press room for recent memory, doesn’t mean it was always this way. I am sure there are other presidents who also wished it were something…
Yorkshire tea and an Anne McCaffery book, someone is watching the pigskin in the background somewhere, listening to U2
I seem to recall seeing an article about Heathrow workers trained to flap their arms at 32 timer per minute, since that was how many times birds of prey flapped, and it would scare the other birds away. I was always comforted by the thought of a highly trainer flapper keeping my airplane safe
hmm Amstrad?