
The man has been publicly bloodied and humiliated. Do we have to see his muffin top too?

Oh my god! I can’t believe that!

Lakers beat the Spurs tonight. I’m convinced Popovich lost on purpose and wants to screw the Lakers over. Freaking Lakers can’t even tank correctly.

Has anyone here tried Tillamook’s Greek yogurt? I switched from Yoplait’s regular several years ago and haven’t looked back.

Haha much more apt scene.

This feels like Jimmy talking to Troy McClure about his crazy friend in Meat and You: Partners in Freedom.

Oh great here we go someone Hispanic-plaining again.

<laid over a Fry squinting from Futurama meme>

White people dont want to be a minority? Why? Is being a minority A BAD THING in this country?!

I pray that someone destroys Lonzo in the tournament and turns to LaVar to say, “You’re writing checks your son has to cash.”

Ellis loves tinkering with the lineups, trying to squeeze every last ounce of athleticism and taking advantage of their depth. But this experimentation has resulted in disjointed play that frustrates everyone. I’m glad the old guard has retired the last couple of years so I get that it takes time to evaluate the new

Look at that adult bing bong and two mini-bing bongs on the sideline. Punchable.

Really? That’s some serious, as the kids say these days, cuck.

Nazi Punks Fuck Off

There’s going to be a gay president before we have a President publicly say they don’t like sports.

I want to see Biles’ daughter to defend him now.

Come on, that’s a four minute gap between our comments. Don’t act like I haphazardly joined in without reading all the available comments.

? Who said Drew went to a church that supports the Christian Right? Just because he went to a church doesn’t mean he is unwittingly supporting Trump. Obama and Clinton are Christians that go to church and no one wouldn’t accuse them of putting Trump in office.

I miss glad Jim Murray died before some punk editor told him he needed to produce more hot takes.

Seeing your parents cry for the first time is a weird growing up milestone. Even more intense if your bad behavior caused it.