
lol we were vacationing on Amelia Island.

If you didn’t watch the game, take a peak at the box score. It’s a weird one. All the big guys played low minutes but I assume they all started. Which is were the weirdness comes in, the Lakers finished the first Q up 31-14.

Pop gonna Pop!

eh, pulisic did a little bit on that goal i guess, but it was mostly created by US youth soccer

I was getting a different Simpsons vibe.

Oh no, I got the sarcasm. Much more the unnecessarily of things.

Everything about this is fucked up, bro

Holy shit you need to get rid of your kids.

Wow been awhile since I LAWLD that hard at a post title

Whatever it means, I’m pretty sure I - a white guy - should never use it.

Mellow out or you will pay.

“They have come for your uncool niece!”

Obviously they meant to sing California Uber Alles

It feels weird to hear Fleetwood Mac without seeing Russian spies

Sorry, didn’t mean to act like that. Anyhow, my answer is on there.

Yeah, Diana is doing awesome work on these stories, and they’re rarely mentioned anywhere else.

Cats are just not that great.

Fuck Dabo. I went to a North East college with out a football program so I say that with out any horse in this race. Fuck Dabo.

Bobby Hull. But yeah fascism is in vogue these days, so of course he’s not as toxic as I thought he was.

You can tell me to climb down from the crosses all you want. That would affect me none. Notice how I didn't mention what my beliefs may or may not be? I'm not religious and I don't go to church.