
Ya know, I thought she said both phrases in the chorus. Maybe not.

I’m sad more people didn’t get your joke. :(

Well in JFK theres a really long disheartening line at Customs. I am an American Citizen and was on that line for over 30 mines and was questioned for like 8 minutes. My then girlfriend current wife had to go on the visa line which was like an extra hour. would have been longer but I saw a large group of people coming

So what you’re saying is...I shouldn’t be afraid of Syrian immigrants, I should be afraid of everyone. Done and done.

Sigh. The terrorists were second and third generation immigrants, born and raised in Europe, not “white terrorists”. The fears of actual Syrian refugees is largely unfounded because first generation immigrants are overwhelming appreciative of either the safety or the economic opportunity in their new countries that

I mean...I wouldn’t go that far. Terrorists are bad no matter their race/religion and if one should encounter ANY of them, fear would be the appropriate response?

DAESH is smart- the terror attacks in Paris have done what they intended- increase anti-Muslim sentiment through xenophobic backlash, which further disenfranchizes already marginalised British, French, and American Muslims, who then become prime targets for radicalisation, who then go to train with DAESH, return to

“Most of the suspected paris attackers were European Nationals”

I have a verified ear condition (it’s the silly little crystals that slide around) and on bad days, I can stumble while standing still. Everyone thinks it’s “too cute!” Except that I’m not freaking Bambi and I get a lot of bruises.

it’s totally a popularity velvet rope, not a way to keep trolls out.

But how could you tell otherwise who the popular kids are?

I found this section particularly interesting.

Thank you!! Please remainder Jez writers, I contribute shit, I’m not a troll.

Clover Hope did not enjoy one of my comments. Thank you for pulling me out of the grey John!

The fuck are you grey, my friend? I had no idea because you always get yourself into the black.

Two points: 2004 school law says no head covering at all (as well as no other “large” religious symbols on the students’ and teachers’ bodies) only in school. Only in school.

Well, but those sunburns tho.

Yeah, and a frightening percentage of French Muslims, when polled, are cool with suicide bombings.

I thought that was pretty rude, and her charm is starting to fade.