
Hey everyone, this is unrelated to the post but I’m not really commenting anymore and most of my friends here read the Muse, so that’s why I’m putting this here. Many of you know that my mom has been struggling with ALS for a long time, and that I’ve been taking care of her. She died the day before yesterday. It was

Oh, for fuck’s sake. Is there anyone left on Jezebel who isn’t a special snowflake with a special condition and hurt feelings? Get over yourself. A stranger on the internet who doesn’t care for a celebrity you identify with is your “nightmare”? You think that’s “callous”? Congrats on having no problems at all. My

I am humorless and miserable since Friday, and I will fully admit it.

How people cannot see that this is far, far scarier than the idea of a few terrorists sneaking in among refugees, I'll never know.

Did you watch the video? She said she’d taken off her shoes (who knows why) and unzipped her dress to “allow for her gut” and decided not to rectify either situation before crossing the restaurant to introduce herself to Francis Ford Coppola. That's not like a halter coming untied.

Sorry, even if the falls are real I can’t stand her. She’s just ridiculous. That story about no shoes and her dress is unzipped all the way at a restaurant in Paris? Why? Why are you undressing at a restaurant?

I wear all lace, no padding bras from Agent Provocateur and the like, and I hand wash them every few weeks. It's never occurred to me that this might be insufficient. I still assume it's fine.

Am I the only one who still isn't ready for regular content?

I knew Nick through an old boyfriend years ago. Not well, but I feel like the air has been stolen out of my lungs. I think I'm going to drink and go to sleep.

I laughed at this but you were right in your assessments! Poor little you.

Thumb? Too good for him. The heel of your smelliest, cheapest shoe.

Fellow easy crier here. Just wanted to say hello and be counted among my peeps. It's not easy. Everyone thinks you can stop it, but you can't. Embarrassed, disappointed, self-conscious? All tears.

Yeah, I get it. It's just strangely written, in my opinion.

I don’t understand the first sentence here, am I stupid? “Female Rey”?

I think it's the Halloween music.

Belly button.

It matches her neck exactly, doesn't it?

I know, it’s really hard for some people to give up. And I know some scoff when people call a Diet Coke habit an addiction but, like I said, I have/have had other addictions too, and it's very much the same for me.

I think she looks great. Why not brag?

Ugh, yes.