I’m not sure what I’d do after I hunted them down. That’s still in the early planning stages.
Yes THANK YOU. Pretending this is simply about the fact that he has HIV is ridiculous. It’s the insane lying and subterfuge. He didn’t HAVE to pay off anyone to keep it a secret, he chose to. And his woe-is-me “that’s money taken from my children” bullshit is infuriating. The money he blew up nose and spent on sex…
Yes, this. Because to him, their lives are worthless in comparison to his pleasure and enjoyment.
Not telling the women he’s having unprotected sex with that he’s HIV+ is an extension of that whole woman beating thing imo.
Of course the 70s stuff looks ancient. It’s not really video. It’s kinescope, in other words, a film of the video feed, which looks like a copy of a copy of a copy because it pretty much is. Why kinescope? Because videotape was expensive, and anything you wanted to keep was cheaper to keep on film. They reused those…
Can we listen to Amy Winehouse and FKA Twigs on this table? And can we also play the new Duran Duran song featuring Nile Rodger and Janelle Monae?
Yep. Thanks FKA Twigs for making your music available on Spotify. I much prefer it to either of those MOR artists Swift and Adele.
No one should shame or stigmatize Charlie Sheen for being HIV positive. They should shame and stigmatize him for being a woman beater (and shooter) and a piece of garbage.
funny how all the artists who dont want to be on spotify are ones I have zero desire to listen to on my spotify premium..or any format for that matter
Unpopular opinion: Adele’s music is boring and her voice is just OK.
Grandma, what's a "CD"?
You know I would like it just as much if it was howl
My biggest gripe with this song is that I was legitimately confused for a while because I thought the chorus started “Howl from the outside”. Even knowing that the song is called ‘Hello’, I still heard ‘Howl’, and was convinced that’s what she was saying. It’s like the infamous dress debate. I heard howl once, and it…