
The victims were white? Maybe tell that to Lassana Diarra who lost his cousin. Or maybe Ludovic Boumbas or Nohemi Gonzalez.

But part of the attacks in Paris specifically targeted a soccer match.

Absolutely insane that terrorist attacks in the West would resonate with people in the West. I just can’t fathom it.

Unless you’re Rachel Dolezal.

Something being a social construct doesn’t mean it isn’t a real thing. If you didn’t grow up with the experience then you didn’t.

Worth it! Tea > Coffee.

I think it’s less about convenience and more about fear of lawsuits with some of the more eager-to-cut doctors, tbh.

I would argue that a major consideration is your doctor’s convenience.

And since race is a social construct, Rachel Dolezal was justified in identifying as she saw fit!

At the turn of the 20th century, both the United States and Australia saw Italians as “other:”

It absolutely depends on the bra. My bra-washing technique is directly proportional to how much I spent on said bra. The fancy spendy ones get the super-hand-wash treatment while the shitty grubby “not leaving the house today” bras go in the wash with everything else.

That’s why you need a lingerie bag, and to fasten them before tossing them in any machine.

My fiancee uses these little hinged plastic balls that the bra fits into then you clip it together, so it washes through the slits in the ball but the machine can’t damage the wires or anything on the bra.


I wash mine on a hand-wash cycle in a zipped lingerie bag and then lay them out to dry. But then my bras also set me back $70 apiece, so I’m pretty careful with them. If it’s a cotton bra without underwire or a sport bra, I’d imagine a regular wash cycle and dryer wouldn’t be too harmful, but bras with more delicate


(seriously, I do not consider a woman’s bra...or any other part of her business whatsofuckingever.)

Please keep in mind that many of the women you know only wash their bras every couple of weeks or more and you have never noticed.

OK we'll send them all to your place. Please have them clean by morning. Thanks!

Oh, I don’t know. I am sure that there are guys out there that love the smell of a well worn bra.

I wash mine about every two weeks or so? I just toss them in the washing machine and hang them to dry. They come out fab. Sports bras get washed per-wear, due to all the sweating....