
Exactly. I don’t know how this is so confusing she consented to be penetrated by a man whom she trusted. Whether it was a biological male or transgendered/sexually reassigned. Not by a foreign freaking object how horrible is that? How horrible is it that people are saying “what’s the big deal?” have someone shove a

What I’m really interested in is fillers. Specifically to enlarge my upper lip and fill in under my eyes. My mom swears by them. Apparently unlike Botox that wears off, Juviderm and their ilk act as scaffolding or a coral reef and the younger you start the more it can build on its self. I’m trying to work up the

Media critic Douglas Rushkoff has this hilarious theory about Desperate Housewives, how they are always fighting because they can’t really communicate with each other via facial expressions, they are always misunderstanding each other. This is symptomatic of our entire social media driven culture where we communicate

Also this line:

It's a type of rape. Think about it. For three seconds.

A rapist was sentenced to jail. What about that doesn’t sit right with you?

But this is rape right? Lots of people seem to be iffy on actually calling it rape but the bottom line is that the victim did not consent to having sex with this woman. She thought she was someone else. The only thing I’m angry at is the fact that so often male rapists don’t get sentences like this. But she

It’s a pretty clear cut case of rape. If you read the full story, it becomes clear that the perpetrator has some long standing mental health issues and gender dysphoria, but that doesn’t affect the fact that she raped someone multiple times and has failed to show remorse.

Under the Sexual Offences Act 1956, consent can be nullified if it was obtained through deceit as to your identity.

Gotta inspect that shit for stds and proper condom usage.

Honestly, the state of his penis is not even the first thing I would worry about when letting a complete stranger (it did say they met on the internet, didn’t it?) blindfold me. I mean, sure, it could be small/weird/rotting off. But that person could also a) strangle you, b) stab you, c) hit you, d) film you, e) rob

She consented to sex with a man named Kye Fortune (being that Newland had convinced her that she was a man named Kye Fortune) - she did not consent to being penetrated with a foreign object by the woman named Gayle Newland (or by anyone, for that matter). It’s pretty simple.

Yep. “Rape by deception” or “rape by fraud” are actual charges

lol wut? the defendant fabricated an entire identity to prey on the body of this woman who was not interested in her as a sexual partner on face basis.

The victim was a blistering idiot, as trusting as a new puppy and may be a few spark plugs short of an engine.

The convicted rapist started a relationship with the victim online under a male alias, met the victim in real life as herself and then convinced the victim to have sex with the male alias. It’s more than unethical, it’s fucking creepy and criminal.

not a lawyer, but I believe the US has a charge called “rape by fraud.” I’m not entirely sure what type of fraud would get you into trouble in the US....i imagine lying about your HIV status could do it.

I think it’s considered rape, because she would never have consented to having sex with this chick wearing a dick. It’s similar to when some rando fucks someone’s wife in the dark, pretending to be her husband.

Fraud in the inducement?

I find these stories odd. The first time I hookup with someone I want to inspect the goods. I’m looking them over, making sure things are what they are supposed to be and the condition they are supposed to be in. There is NO way in hell I’d be wearing a blindfold on a first fuck.