
I agree and I actually have OCD, and I’m thankful for the liberal hyperbole when it comes to things like this. I mean, if they weren’t there to tell me, how would I even know when to be offended?

Je suis J Law!

I just realized why people like this conclude their arguments with “Wake up America!” Because they’re absolute goddamn nightmares, from which, yes, I would like to wake up.

And just like the Jewish people, Austria, and much of Europe, whom believed there was no danger and did nothing to prevent Hitler, and the Nazi’s rise.

Ye shall know them by their grammar. Whom voted for this jackass?

I would guess that more than 60% of evangelicals would say they're more loyal to Christianity than America. A lot of them conflate the two, but when asked directly, they're picking Jesus.


My cats are always watching me.

Dammit, why isn’t “thou shalt not suffer an idiot to live” more of a thing?

I feel like I err on the side of jealous (and it’s because my dad cheated on my mom in the most terrible way), but I do trust my husband completely. A perk is that he hates pretty much everyone, so even though there are coworkers and regulars of his (he bartends part-time) who have definitely had crushes on him, he

Does it make a difference if the person in question has the hots for your partner? Maybe it’s just me, but when that person would be SO down in case my partner ever wanted some extracurriculars, I feel like it’s a hard pass for me. His friends don’t have to be my friends, but they do need to have a basic respect for

This is the sweetest thing. Just saying.

What happens if your partner is borderline hurt/offended by your complete lack of jealousy?

This could not come at a more appropriate time: my boyfriend is coming back today from a 10 day work trip to Calgary, and I’ve honestly become the most insecure person, ever. I am a completely tolerant person, and we have a great, no-nonsense relationship. I just felt completely lost without him; perhaps some form of

Sometimes I let him out in courtyard of my building, but not after dark. After dark he gets brave and I’m afraid someone’s going to take him home or he’s going to get hit by a car.

why is his face so red? Except for the area around his eyes...As a member of the “white” race, I find his complexion perplexing. He looks like he fell asleep in the sun with cucumber slices on his eyes.

I’m fascinated by functional adults with tiny vocabularies. I assume they don’t read a lot of well crafted prose.

Ah yes, ye of inflated sense of self, who sees self on a higher level because of your supposed non-subscription to any political side of the spectrum, and therefore, recognizing that both sides are the same, according to your bizarre reasoning.

There is your money quote:

It’s exactly civili disobedience like this that we need. We can spread it through social media and it gets the point across. We also need to keep ourselves from looking bad on social media, which is why the Mizzou protests are so successful. If we win the social media war, we win the war. Pretty simple.