
Yes, this. The shirt is dumb, but it’s not “mocking” OCD. Proclaiming that one has “obsessive Christmas disorder” is not remotely the same thing as literally making fun of people with actual OCD or making fun of the disorder itself. People go around saying they’re “starving” every damn day. Does that mean they're


I almost sent in a tip today of a restaurant in Berkley that has eliminated tipping but instead has a 20% charge added to the bill to be spilt between front of house and back of house. Curiously (or maybe not - I’ve never worked in a restaurant) one server said she was unhappy with this system, and wanted to go back

...”don’t seem to understand that there’s a middle ground between “mandatory” and “banned.”I feel like this sums up the entire GOP mindset.

Think he has a cousin, SummrVacation.

Ryan Reynolds’ tweets about his kid always make me laff

Wait. The Weeknd is a person’s name? I thought it was some kind of lifestyle magazine.

I can’t feel no fat when I touch you

jealous of her weave tho

They chose a REALLY misleading crop of the email.

I just got suspicious of the way that pic cuts off the email and figured there was more. Which is not to say he wasn't totally tone deaf here, because he was.

If you click through to the full email, he says anyone who doesn't want to come to class can take a make up exam.


I support these students 100%, but I think it is absolute horseshit that this professor has to resign. Yes, he could have been more sensitive, but he clearly did not force anyone to come to class at the risk of losing a test grade etc. - he offered the opportunity for a make-up test. And he stayed aligned with what

This seems like a situation where the university should have offered guidance rather than leaving it up to professors.

I don’t make food for my coworkers, because I know if I do it once, they’ll expect it ALL THE TIME. They’ve tried to get me...I see them, circling my desk at lunchtime, commenting on the glorious aroma of whatever dinner leftovers I’m eating that day, thinking they’re being subtle. BUT THEY SHALL NOT HAVE THE FRUITS

Next year I hope the cup is all matte black except for a giant HAIL SATAN scrawled in blood red. And there's a pentagram on the inside bottom so that it's not visible until you've drunk all your coffee.

Geez, woman then. Or man. Or whatever you are. It’s exhausting just talking to you. Just consider that the reason you might view so many people so negatively is that they don’t enjoy talking to you because you’re so negative. Just scrolling down this page I can see I’m not the only one you’re snapping back to with

KaraThraceAndHerSpecialDestiny, do you realise how insulting and angry you come off? Seriously, if every girl in high school talked casually with your lack of warmth and humor, no guy in the world would ever have the balls to speak to a woman. Forget sex, even just to ask to pass the salt.

Sorry, lady. I see where you’re coming from, but you cannot blame a puberty-stricken 14-year-old boy who suddenly is feeling all these strange feelings and sees girls as wonderful yet forbidden for cultural or gender issues. It’s not about seeing them as objects or “sex”, it’s about seeing them as amazing and smart