

Blech. I do not find her charming at all.

For what it’s worth, there’s nothing to reconcile. Some intellectuals read and write romance novels. It’s not “for idiots,” or something.

I don’t think you know what it means to contradict. You didn’t. You were just deliberately obtuse and pretended #notallmen was something worth saying.

Right, how dare a woman form an opinion based on the combination of her own lived experience with the stories of other women’s experiences. Super entitled and selfish.

I seriously can’t believe that you thought this story and that comment were an opportunity to #notallmen. Get some self-awareness.

Ugh, I understand. It just seems so unfair. I'm sorry that you've been there.

There's still time. Don't worry.

Why did she have to submit to photographing on the street? This is all horrifying as hell, obviously, but why didn't the police photograph her injuries in private?

That's sick and demoralizing.

I don’t remember not knowing about the mechanics of sex. I wasn’t exposed to any pornography before I began having sex myself (no internet until I was almost out of high school), but my friends and I stayed up late watching what we thought were “sophisticated” movies, these included Bull Durham and the Unbearble

Of course they are! Don't you know anything about sex?!

Cheers. Lol.

That is fucked up. I’m way out of the dating pool so I view a lot of this from a distance and sometimes the details are lost. I didn’t know the Cool Girl wasn’t supposed to have too many interests. I can’t believe this is adults dating each other. Don’t you want to spend time with a woman who is sophisticated and

You are wonderfully kind. Thank you.

Oh, true! They're a theatrical bunch.

Oh, I don't know. Honestly, I don't know who she is besides a successful lady near-boxer.

I haaaaate JT’s voice and always have so I’m sure the juxtaposition of his voice with the other guy’s isn't hurting the cowboy at all, but DAMN, I'd let that cowboy sing to me all night long. What a voice!

Honestly, this was my first thought. Traumatic brain injury.

Did you see what that plastic figurine Carson Daly said? That he was surprised that Blake Shelton could get a woman as hot as Gwen. What a DICK. Why insinuate something nasty about Miranda? Who looks great, by the way.