
I get it. I just think you’re reading into it too much. He’s a very old man saying that he still thinks what he thinks but that people have a right to be happy and not be discriminated against. He's not calling himself a hero and he's not harping on anyone being wrong or disgusting. I agree that it's not terribly

I know, I complain about it every time. I don’t understand why India seems to be their favorite place to assert their superiority over.

It really does seem that India bashing is a pastime around here. And fuck this person, everyone knows Indian food is the greatest cuisine on earth.

“I guess you could say I have mellowed” is not the same as “I am a hero.” And the tone of this was not “gay marriage is sick and wrong,” either.

I don’t cook so I haven’t made anything. These are so fucking orange, Anna. Really orange.

Yeah, I feel fucking adrift mostly.

Yeah, I would have thought that as well. My mom is dying so I know a bit how you might feel. My dad is in good health, though. Good vibes to you.

I suspect not.

Nah, you're never ready. My mom is dying, I'm not ready at all. Not even for a second.

Well, thanks for dropping in to set me straight!

I think you're right. So all of us who are choking under student loans and thus will never do some of those things...forever teens?

I’m with you on telling people “no.” That’s a big thing. I guess I just didn't know as a kid that as an adult you’re still largely the same. I’m still trying to quit smoking, still out too late at night, still reading a book in every moment of free time, still perpetually saving for another of boots. Yes, I went to

The wine and queso thing? It will be that way forever.

I know. I learned “beach waves” from them and their ilk. Also, chevron manicures. But they seem like idiots and I'm the one with no money. Wtf?

Yes. We are old enough not to make dumb videos, but in my case that's mostly due to vanity, not maturity.

Well, this makes me wonder. When *does* one become an adult? Not legally, more like psychologically/spiritually. I’m 35 now, and I haven’t had an easy life, but I don’t think I’ve felt like an adult until really recently. And not all the time. This is the secret of life, right? You always feel like a teenager. I'm

I'm not a mother but it would be my best friend, too. Bring it on.

Truth. When I'm at my skinniest it's because I barely eat a fucking thing. Nobody wants to hear it but that's the truth. Exercise tones you, is good for your body and your mind, yes. But most of us cannot eat much if we want to be thin.

Me too, similar circumstances.

Oh, I don't mean she looked heavy, she could never. But it was sort of shapeless and hanging, I thought.