
Beat me to it!


On a deep and serious level, though: they’re all fucking great looking. Crazy, maybe, but sexy.

When a Duck Dynasty dad is the cool one, we are in troubled times indeed. Also, did you see how he pretends to chuckle at the monastery line? Even Duck Man doesn’t think that’s funny, asshole.


Huh, okay. That is slightly different. Though the idea that...something...maybe leaves things here and there to create that fear occurs to me and that's pretty creepy, too!

I actually put my teacup down and whispered, “What the fuck?” at the end of that. :(

I’m really unsettled by the idea of stumbling onto something...wrong.

I know how to read tarot cards and I wanted to say the same. No such thing as “evil” cards or “bad” ones. Stuff you don't want to hear, sure, but nothing sinister.

Oh, good to know. But, yeah.

What’s the point of this? I know it’s clickbait, but it also results in increased ad revenue for this sick fuck when readers go to check it out. Cool.

Lucy Hale, you may be one yet.

Gorgeous and funny and charming though. I wish she'd host a midnight chat show.

I think she’s so cool. I love her hair, too. I like that it’s a wild color but chic, and not like she’s trying to hang on to an adolescent style.

No joke, I'll try that!

Aw, that's the best ever.

I love this post and read all the comments, but man I wish everyone would ease up with the gifs on super long ones like this. It takes forever to load and 30% of it is cartoons. :(

Cheers, that's a good one!

I can't find that one, do you have a link to it?

Oh, Jesus Christ. This is why we like ghost stories, isn't it? The real world is too awful to think about sometimes.