
I commented the same. I'm religious about both and I think it shows.

Retin A and sunblock. You don't need anything else if you start early.

I don’t call letting wanton murderers escape with a gun being “somewhat effective.”

Oh, the V2 was one of my choices! I went with the Halo for no real reason at all—just wanted to move ahead with it, I guess, so I made a decision. Your enthusiasm is making me feel hopeful! I'm full of silly anxiety about it (like, how do I take a drag? I watch review videos on YouTube and all these vaping bros inhale

You have to like the fussiness of the Victorian era and appreciate the dread that goes with the isolation. It’s not anything new, but if you like gothic, it’s good. I’m hopeful about Crimson Peak for the same reasons.

I got the Halo G6 starter kit. I see that everyone adores the Ego but it looks too foreign to me at the moment, you know? What do you have?


1. The Shining

Oh, that's so good!

Congrats!!!! I’m going the e cig route after failing umpteen times before. You’re awesome and an inspiration.

I ordered a basic rechargeable e-cig kit, and it arrives Monday! Thanks to all my Jezzy friends who’ve encouraged me to give it a try and finally get off of my much-needed but much-hated cigarettes. I’ll report back once I’ve gotten the hang of it. I don’t even know how it works at the moment but I guess I’ll learn.

How charming! I don’t know of them but they seem lovely.

Lol! Look, I'm a loser in lots of ways, but I've had some GOOD looking men. I am bragging and will do, forever.

I would have no time for that. If she were my sister I’d congratulate her on her “unique perspective” and continue on my handsome journey.

Lol, cheers. I won't lie, I've had fun.

Re: going for good looking men

That's cute. :)

Oh, this stuff is so fraught with...stuff. I have a type. I’m half white and all of my serious relationships have been with men who are darker than I am. They’re all of a similar build and skin tone/coloring (not the same race, though). My most serious boyfriends have been ethnically Nicaraguan, Indian, and Arab. All

I just looked at Khloe and Kim’s Twitter accounts. Neither one of them has tweeted since before Lamar was discovered. But don’t let facts dissuade you from your fixation.

Perfectly said.