
Daaaaaaaaaamn. That looks good.

No problem, and I agree 100%.

Honestly, I think your perspective is just very American. I don't mean that as a slight, either. You're mostly very nice people.

I can’t believe how many comments are squeamish or judgmental. I’ll be perfectly honest: this sounds like a GREAT time. Seriously. Bring your preferred drugs and a sexy man, and this is a damn good time.

It’s really nothing like that. The bones in the ossuary are from people who are long dead, between a thousand and 300 years, if I remember correctly. Before it was opened to the public in the 19th century, Parisians would break in and have concerts and poetry readings down there. Spending less than solemn time down

To whom is this directed? It doesn't make any sense as a reply to my comment.

Sure, no one is saying reality tv is noble.

No, it isn’t fair. Addiction isn’t anyone’s fault; it’s a disease. To blame Khloe and her family is ignorant. And Lamar signs off on the content of the show if it involves him. He gets paid for it. He’s no victim there.

I thought the same thing. Is this where we are now? If someone doesn’t behave appallingly she's an inspiration to us all?

Actually, if I remember correctly, Guiliana had DCIS which, according to a great many physicians, isn’t even cancer. So, by having a double mastectomy and five years of Tamoxifen, Guiliana was actually wildly overtreated and has to live the rest of her life as a “breast cancer survivor.”

Truly, no one at all.

I don’t think the stock photo hipster guy would write this. Also, “skirts?” Do jerk-men from the current era say that? I am finding this a bit too implausible even as satire.

Does this silly child know that while prison reformers (correctly) rage about how prisons are full of non-white men, no one ever rages that they’re full of MEN? Because men are disproportionately violent and impulsive. Who wants a man to be president?

I’m crying with laughter over the fan and the spinach. Crying. Also, please ungrey me, Master Pinkham. I was once a teenaged hostess in a restaurant owned by sleazy brothers who thought it was okay to conspire to look down the blouse of a (flat-chested) fifteen year old.

Me too. Or a blend of dead and in the witness protection. David who?

Saucony Jazz

Saucony Jazz

Totally disturbing!

I have a friend (a close one, and I’m crazy about her friend-wise: she’s just cool and smart and great, and it’s so rare to make a close friend as an adult) who is in a situation sort of like this. She dated a guy on and off for four years, starting at some point in college, but then it ran its course

I think that it’s fine to choose to not shop these sales if you think it’s in poor taste or whatever, but not to pretend it’s some kind of activist stance. I am not shopping these sales because I am broke at the mo’. But I don't think it's terribly meaningful either way.

Okay, I'll bite: what's snobby and bananas about the second quote? He saw a movie and the strange guy in it stayed with him for weeks afterward. Is this not common and relatable?