
The pope was exploited by someone in having this meeting, probably Carlo Maria Vigano. It’s not hard to imagine that Francis had no idea at all who she is. Kim Davis, for all her bigotry, is also being exploited by Mike Huckabee and other right-wing folks. She is a know-nothing not bright enough to see how she’s being


I want this stuff BAD.

CoolGirl strikes again!

Uh, this really isn't true. Really.

I don’t know what it is exactly, whether it’s the post-pope feels or what, but the execution the day before yesterday, the near-execution yesterday, and now this... So much needless death. Life is so short anyway, why do we live it this way?

I found out well after the fact that my semi-no show was going through PTSD. He witnessed a stabbing (random, on the sidewalk) in the big city he lives in about two week earlier and it really messed with his head. Once I knew I ceased to be sad/whatever I felt. Because, like, not a big deal.

Really? A friend of mine did that to me at my wedding—well, sort of. He forgot and remembered halfway through the night and turned up late. I was sad about it, but never did I imagine billing him for the dinner. Because I'm not a monster. It's reasonable to be hurt. It's not reasonable to think you can fine your

Ride an elephant. Don't pretend to be Indian.

The people who would dare send me a bill for not attending their wedding would be dead to me.

Yeah, I can buy the “let’s ask everyone these things” idea; men should be asked about work-life balance.

Yes. Absolutely.

It’s called prison. It’s not a choice between death or no punishment. Don't be silly.

Thanks for including those grisly details. Anyway, you’re missing the point. We can aspire to civility, and having the State seek revenge on behalf of the people isn’t civil. I’m not saying, “America is better than that.” I simply don’t think it’s the place of a government to murder people.

I’m concerned about all potatoes. ;)

Not stupid. Systemic racism, primarily.

Yes, exactly, exactly, exaclty. Perfectly said. I’m off to google DearCoquette. Thank you for sharing.

When I was younger I was in favor of the death penalty, but over the years have come to oppose it. At first it was for political reasons, and I find now that it’s for moral ones. It’s wrong. A civilized country doesn't do this.

I do not get the appeal of this one. He's goofy looking AND dumb.

Yeah! Doesn’t she know she’s too skinny to have an opinion about how bodies are represented?!