
That's all totally true.

Yes. This is totally a declaration of intent to fuck (or of already-fucking.) It’s meant for other men.

Ugh, the small of the back thing! I LOATHE that.

I won't argue with that.

Well, the court was white, male, and Protestant for nearly all of its history, so it's come a long way.

I can't say I disagree.

I misspoke, I should have said that the Catholic majority court legalized same sex marriage, not the Catholic plurality of justices. And I’m absolutely not making the case that Catholicism is linked to that decision, but you are suggesting that there is a link to conservative politics among Catholic voters by virtue

That Catholic plurality also legalized same sex marriage. You’re oversimplifying. In the U.S., powerful people are more likely to be conservatives, period. Being Catholic is not a path to power in the U.S.

I don’t see that where I am in Los Angeles, so let’s hold out hope.

What is this supposed to prove? You’ve named one conservative Catholic.

I don’t quite understand what you're saying. I understand that she would want to have both done at the same time. Are you saying you can't have a c-section at a surgery center? If that's the case I didn't know it.

Catholics tend to vote democrat. And though this has lessened somewhat in recent years, Obama still won the “Catholic vote,” in both elections.

You've just made this much funnier to me, thank you.

I considered that, perhaps so.

I try to explain this at least once a week on Jezebel and I never even make a dent.

This is shameful.

I’d be all over a Pemberley teacup and saucer. And the gin.

This actually has put me off makeup. Admittedly, I've been heading that way for a while, but this look is really cheesy to me. It's like the human being equivalent to monster makeup. And to your last point, I think Kylie Jenner knows. I saw those videos of her last week with bare lips and it's really strange.

Agree. Dramatic earrings and messy, undone hair. Dark lipstick, minimal makeup otherwise.

I know what you mean but I think we all know that's true of loads of Hollywood people, no? A pretty face goes a long way.