
No, I haven't heard it and don't know the lyrics.

The global convenience store chain promises to get everyone in the mood on Saturday nights with its Date Night Pack — a tub of Ben & Jerry’s chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream, a Hershey’s chocolate bar, a can of Red Bull, an 18-piece pack of Trident gum and a three-pack of Trojan Ultra Thin condoms

Lol, I'm not asking what a one night stand is! I'm asking when this idea of going home the next morning became an embarrassing thing with a name.

Yeah, I get the going home part. I was asking when people starting acting like it was a big, “shameful” deal. Who cares if you were out all night?

Which also seems to be the moral of this video, so does anyone think it's shameful? Is the name facetious? I guess I'm a million years old but I don't get it.

When did we start calling this activity the walk of shame? Obviously I know we say it now, but I don’t remember it from my own years of walking shamefully. I don’t remember worrying about this, either. But I wear the same kinds of clothes virtually 24/7 so I guess no one would know anyway.

I have no children but live in a disgusting place and I thought the same. Needles, used condoms, mystery puddles. Out some shoes on!

If I contributed to this monstrous video by commenting on this post then the list of my sins is long as fuck.

I snorted tea up my nose at this. Well done.

I had the same thought. This guy’s outrage is 20 years late.

I thought the same! Is this just that girls mature faster than boys thing, or is he a fifth grader and they are 21?

Honestly, that's a good take away from this.

I know this is a version of “not all white people” but I’m going to do it anyway: I am sufficiently white that I don’t know what any of this is, means, or refers to. At least I’m not guilty of contributing to this, whatever it is?

Lol at Spencer’s Gifts. Cheers!

He is awful. He seems like a nice guy, I guess, but that's not enough for a tv show. I'll also admit that I don't find his nerdiness endearing. Be interesting, not an excited fan getting an autograph!

She's so dull! I agree completely. I certainly don't mean she's unattractive but, really, dudes. There's more. Some women are even attractive and have personalities!

Men love her, don’t they? I know Jimmy fawns, but this seems...more.

This annoyed me to death.

Really? With the exception of this post I always get the impression that we’re supposed to excuse the fact that he's kind of a douche because some people think he's cute.

It’s not rhetoric, friend. A pimp or a madam, both are guilty of selling a woman’s body and I am opposed to that in all cases. And wrong about what? I was asked my opinion.