
I thought it's kind of fetishistic, no? But not queasy-making.

I bet your cat is way more clever. Be fair.

For what it’s worth, Catholics tend to vote democratic. You’re right about religious conservatives (but they're overwhelmingly Protestant), and the Church does, of course, teach against contraceptives, but Catholic voters themselves are typically democratic.

I know, it's pathetic.

Poor Piyush hates himself.

Yeah, the familial type is rarer than rare.

She’s a nightmare, but every time I see her I think of John McCain. How does he even have the nerve to show his face after choosing her as his VP? She’s barely functional in English and seems to have aphasia.

Oh, Lana. This is tired

LOL that thing is a miracle.

Right? This might be exactly what I needed.

Okay, I can’t resist. It’s ridiculous that you’re *made to feel* that you have to do that, not that you feel that way. Because of course you feel that way. You’re a woman and that’s what’s required of women. Your friend’s comment is a bit rude.

It's not a banger, but Two Weeks is pretty straightforward, no?

She is SO SEXY, what is Rob doing to keep her? I want to know! He's handsome and all, but so awkward. Is he another person in the bedroom? I want to know.

Oh fuck, I wasn't even thinking about that. Yes, now all the way.

Well, on the other hand, being hairless is public. Everyone can SEE that you observe that particular cultural requirement or not. No one knows if you’re a virgin by looking at you on the subway, you know? In that sense, there’s much more pressure to be hairless. And, really, we aren’t all shaving ourselves just

I’d never thought of dementia that way, yes, it is sort of the reverse problem. I'm very sorry and I hope that you are spared.

I did see this, hopefully it helps someone someday.

Thank you and I'm sorry for your loss.

Thank you. Some lovely person on Gawker (really!) told me recently not to feel any shame about feeling relief when it's finally over. That meant a lot to me, and I think of it often.

I can’t imagine what you and your mom have been through. My mom has been ill (we think, motor neuron diseases are insidious and absurdly difficult to diagnose, if people are unaware) for about five years and first they thought MS, then ALS, then PLS (that’s the “benign” variant of ALS and what Stephen Hawking might