
That's the best. What a good guy.

I'm sorry. Really. I wish I didn't know, either.

Oh, God. I'm so so so deeply sorry.

Thank you very much.

You posted it multiple times, which is what I said. And, yes, I know it’s from the Federal Government. And the content of that paper is part of the politicized discourse about this topic. Regarding your last sentence: you are a truly revolting individual.

Replying to myself to share this:

I'm glad you know who the president is, well done. But do you also know that people besides the president of a nation can influence the discourse about sensitive subjects? That's what has happened regarding assisted suicde. And the perspective that you have copied and pasted from is a conservative one. And the fact

This is the regurgitation of a super conservative agenda-driven perspective.

I pray that this happens. Life can cease to be a gift. If you find that hard to believe you’re a fortunate person.


No. Sean is objectively better looking but they're both blondish and suuuuuuuper hot.

That actually makes me ache. Jesus Lord.

Honestly, it’s part of the appeal for me. I mean, I’m not trying to build a retirement account with the guy.

I lived there for years, I miss it a ton.

It really is a utopia.

You're my twin soul.

I don't feel great about the use of this image to accompany a rape story. Just my two cents.

This is the same logic I’ve seen used to decry lesbians who don’t want to have sexual relationships with trans women. People are entitled to have preferences.

This is victim-blaming, nothing more. She didn't consent to have sex with this person and that is rape.

This is gross and was never funny, not the first time it was posted and definitely not now, months later.