
Why would someone who is ineligible be in the line of succession? No, she couldn't.

Okay. I have cats. I once had an iud. I wash my sheets once a week. Based upon my experience on earth I say we should all pretend this is fictional whether it is or not, just to spare ourselves how disgusting an idea it is. Seriously. I'm almost dry heaving.

This is such a fucking nightmare. Please pinch me.

No way. There are so many melty options that taste 10000 times better. Smoked Gouda is a good choice.

I have in-laws that used to do this. They’d get three drinks each at dinner (I didn’t drink then—oh, how times have changed) and then we’d split the bill down the middle. And my sister-in-law would bum at least a couple of cigarettes from me, too. I used to think, can I send you an invoice for part of the pack, too?

THIS. There are millions of us who are mixed—racially, ethnically, culturally—and it isn’t okay for anybody to declare that some part of our identities simply don’t count or is dismissible because we “look white.” It’s just not okay. Alexa doesn’t have to be a racial advocate, as kitteneye said, for her entire

I’m bi-racial and read white to some people. It’s not a game. Like Alexa, I have a surname that I’m routinely asked about because no one believes that it’s my own. And, given that everyone knows that Alexa is bi-racial, why are you pretending that you don’t know it? She can’t “read white” when you know she isn't.

Ugh, this is so shitty. she's bi-racial, sorry she looks too white?

She is so foolish to have done this. This was the best paying job she will ever have living where she does.

Ideally? It would never happen. In my present long term relationship I have never. I understand the “but we’re comfortable” arguments but that’s not at all how I like my romantic relationships. I mean, we’re not uncomfortable, but...I don’t know how to explain it. We don’t sit around in sweats and watch tv.

These TMZ goons are hilarious aren't they? Like, total chuckleheads, but I always laugh at how dumb they are.

Honestly, that's pretty true. I wear mostly black.

What the fuck?

I wear mine long and pointy—almond, but I totally agree re: nail art and colors. I wear nude, red, and Bordeaux. I cringe at shades of blue, even.

I am a devoted sister of long, impractical, and dangerously pointed nails, but I HATE this glued on shit.

Thank you so much for taking the time to answer me! I'm very grateful for the info.

Ah, excellent comment, thank you. I sort of reasoned my way there in another comment somewhere else in this thread, but you’ve laid it out much better. Can you explain this bit in more detail:

Is it common for parents to talk to their kids about drinking? That sounds stupid, probably, but my parents are foreign and sort of old world and would never have done that. Never ever.

Oh, really? I hadn't heard that about Fassbender. I'll have to google and see. How sad if true.

No, the person who said it was wrong and unfamiliar with excommunication. As I and others have pointed out.