

Fucking obsessed, already. I cannot wait. Also, Macbeth, not MacBeth.

Yeah, true. This was always muddy to me, I think the logic is that murder is an act that’s known to be sinful, while abortion is (presumably) okay in the mind of the woman seeking it/doctor performing it, thus no Reconciliation would be sought because they think it’s okay, and so the Church made it an automatic

Murder is a mortal sin.

I also tried to explain the realities of excommunication but I don't get the sense anyone is interested. Instead this right-wing anti-catholic talking point is being taken as fact.

Oh, I see. But a formal excommunication is and has been pretty rare for a long time in the Church, fwiw. I think the more typical situation is called excommunication latae sententiae, which is, essentially, default excommunication for a heretical act.

Sorry, what do you mean about the six million Jews? I don't understand the connection you're making between the Holocaust and the other things you've mentioned.

I don’t hate the way I look but I agree with everything else you’ve said. And how is it cool to be like, “Look how pretty I think I look here! Don’t you think I look pretty?” instead of totally embarrassing?

I'm a little under the weather and the phrasing in this post actually nauseated me. Well done!

I think we have different ideas of glamour. I like regular pigs, though.

Thank you for explaining. I disagree that this look is fabulous or glamorous, however. In fact, I think she’s dressed like Miss Piggy.

The name! Eleganza?! I mean, the pretty princess look (not getting Marie Antoinette, sorry) certainly suits that cheesy name. I can say that.

Obviously that’s what everyone imagines when they think “street.” I know I do!

Wasn't using personal email the typical thing to do at the time? It wasn't just her at all.

Hahahahahahaha. No, I really haven’t. But I’m probably just too old to have done the former and I never liked sports dudes, but point taken. I’ve probably done something.

Right?! I only knew it was real because I know Awkward is a show and I found it plausible that the cast would be youthful VMA-goers, thus I assumed the rest was real. Fuck any and all “Vine stars.” That's not real.

I do not find Mara Wilson quirky or adorable or insightful.

Right there with you. No punishment would be enough.

This is everything I don't like about Taylor in one photo. How can an adult approach life like a mean high school senior? Yes, you're pretty and your friends are pretty and you have a lot of pretty friends. I'm sure you have your own table in the cafeteria and, yes, I know I can't sit with you. Okay.

I don’t like any of this! :(