
I could not fucking believe it when I heard. Horrible horrible too awful to be believed. But true. RIP, sir.

I had a similar moment (thiugh I was a sophomore in high school) and I don't feel ashamed! It didn't make any sense!

That made me tear up. Major internet hugs from a stranger to you.

That sounds precisely like the kind of thing I'm looking for. Thank you.

Thank you for your honesty.

I think you might have phrased this a little more gently but I agree 100%.

Jezzies who are alcoholics: How did your drinking go from regular drinking to alcoholism? When does something that was okay become not okay anymore?

Just get drunk. Unless you're a combative drunk, that might make it worse.

I do see where you’re coming from but I guess I consider the rituals as part of the faith and therefore distinct from the institution. So to call the Mass “bullshit” is not cool to me. Maybe I shouldn’t draw the distinction I do but there it is.

You okay? I did say that water is an issue in this climate. Because it is. That doesn't make it a desert, which is all I said.

You said it was “Catholic” bullshit, so that’s how I took it. And I have a million issues with the Church (I was born and raised Catholic and attended Catholic schools) but it seemed unnecessary and bigoted to dismiss the rituals of a faith as “bullshit.”

Los Angeles is not in the desert. Yes, water is super tight and we have a problem, but Los Angeles has a Mediterranean climate and, this, is not a desert. Why do people love this myth?

Fuck off.

Wow, do you really mean that? I want to remember the dead the way they wanted to be remembered. It wouldn’t occur to me to do what I “prefer” to mark someone's passing.

I actually find the ritual of a Catholic funeral to be comforting. But if I didn’t, I wouldn’t declare it to be “bullshit.”

Aw, don’t hate yourself. Grief is totally, entirely disorienting and fucks with memory and reasoning and all thought processes. Really. You're being WAY too hard on yourself for no reason at all.

OH YES HE DOES. Jesus Christ.

Sorry to break it to you but this is the wrongest opinion of your life. Jimmy is number one forever.

Thank you. I was being snotty in my OP but I feel pretty shitty about it, to be honest.

That's too cute to eat! I'd feel like a monster.