
Go right ahead, everyone's doing it.

It’s nice to have company. I’m also having a can of coke, and it’s diet because sugar is bad for you.

This is my favorite post in a long time. I’m having a plate (yes) of garlic potato chips for lunch. Oh, and a cigarette, because I fell off that wagon.

Yeah, like her or not, she's out of his league and it's painful to watch him try to keep up (ugh, not a pun).

Jesus, that face.

This is true! I'm often disappointed by stoners! I find junkies less insufferable.

It's a lot more hideous than that.

She looks fucking incredible. No joke. Cheers, Kris.

I’ve got no idea. I don’t know anything about any of these people but that they’re fundamentalist Christians who hate women and education, and condone the physical abuse of babies to make them deferential (“blanket training”) and had a tv show until the secret sexual abuse stuff came out. That's the sum total of my

Jesus Christ. I'm glad you got out.

I just read that although Anna was told before their wedding about his abuse of his sisters, that she’s not thought to have understood the words used. Like, she doesn’t know the extent of the abuse because the Duggars lied and minimized it, but also because she doesn’t understand what words like “sexual abuse” and

I can't say I disagree. The monthly payments are less than I'd pay with an ACA plan, though, so I stay.

Last year. I have a grandfathered plan.

Cheers to sexist internet nonsense?

I went through something similar and ended up having it inserted at PP because it was about $800 vs the $1200+ if I'd done it through my insurance (high deductible policy). It was a hassle. I also hated it and had it removed only a year later, but such is life.

No, she has the best friends who understand what a reality TV-loving, potato chips-eating, Cool Girl she is!

I agreed with this but, yo, WASPs are expressly not Catholic. That kind of rubbed me the wrong way.

Fair point about the animal abuser.

Yeah, nor is a D&C when you're not pregnant anymore. Some weird ideas in this!

I get that he looks like a grumpy gramps here, but he's not wrong.