
If it is rosacea the sooner you address it the better your results will be. Don't wait to see a derm.

This is exactly where I am. I hear about a stupid/horrible thing and think, “Well, probably.”

sisters who run an orphanage

Cheers to that!

Ah, this is pretty interesting. I’m definitely pretty reserved in real life, and not terribly inclined to spread my thoughts and feelings all over the place for people to see. I don’t like to feel exposed that way. Honestly, I don’t think I have a deep need to be really “known” (not in the biblical sense, y’all!).

Damn. I've also used the NYX ones and they don't, either. I guess I'll save my money. Thanks for your two cents!

Is it really worth the money? I’m using the L’Oreal one and it doesn't do much, tbh. I like a matte finish, if that impacts your reply.

Fair enough. But Taylor’s “Gee whiz, wow!!!” shtick is well documented.

Kobe is a dbag and everything but it’s her face that I want to punch. OMG I CAN’T BELIEVE IT A CELEBRITY IS HERE WITH ME GUYS WOW!!!!!

I agree. It's just stupid.

Please put up a more flattering photo of her. One with her eyes open and mouth closed. It seems disrespectful (though unintended, I'm sure!).

We had delightful regulars like the sweet, slightly sad middle-aged childless couple.

Mine too, for the same reason. Every time I try to make an appointment she's on vacation and I'm like, Bitch, I bet you are.

I will concede that it’s probable that my life has been seedier than yours might have been. “Chasing the dragon like behavior” made me lol. Cheers.

Lol, of course people do heroin on the DB! What?

“I want to inspire people to question their habits and the things they consider to be normal,” she says. “There are always more opportunities than one thinks there are. The next adventure is waiting just around the corner—provided that you want to find it.”

I saw it last night and shouted, “When does this end?!” She’s gorgeous but I find her personality a little crass, TBH.

If only Dre wasn't in this video it would be perfect. I love this song.

Honestly, I respect him for it for that reason.

I don’t speak American English either, so that’s not the issue. Someone else has explained it above anyways.